Home » Menopause, all the symptoms and how to best deal with it

Menopause, all the symptoms and how to best deal with it

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Menopause is a natural moment in every woman’s life. A delicate passage that must be faced with awareness.

All women are faced with that definite transition period “menopause” whose literal meaning is “last menstruation”. With the arrival of the last menstrual cycle, the end of the childbearing age is identified. It is a moment of transition that must be faced with serenity, during which women undergo psychic and physical changes that can sometimes cause anxiety and anxious experiences.

This is why it is important to contact your own gynecologist and be accompanied and followed in a path of knowledge, openness and acceptance in what is simply one natural phase of its own existence. But what is the age at which women generally enter menopause? In reality there is no specific age, every woman experiences this moment of transition in a different way.

Menopause, symptoms and treatments

Science on the point believes that, on average, menopause makes its appearance between 48 and 52 years old but as mentioned it is a mere statistical fact that is not universal. Some women go to meet the early menopausewhich occurs when a year has passed since the last menstrual period and the woman has less than 47 years old.

Others, on the other hand, experience it late menopause, where women still have their menstrual cycle exceeded i 52 years old of age. According to various scientific studies, the age at which women enter menopause is genetically fixed, it would therefore appear to be written in the DNA.

All the symptoms of menopause and how to deal with it (tantasalute.it)

Menopause is preceded by a period called “premenopause” or “transitional age” during which women experience menstrual cycle irregularities, weight gain, hot flashes and night sweats.

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The sudden increase in body temperature is often accompanied by heart palpitations and migraine. Another frequent symptom is the vaginal drynesswhich can lead to difficulty in sexual intercourse, also increasing the risk of bladder infections.

Many women then find themselves experimenting dermatological problems, the skin appears dry, inelastic and dull. Also hair they become fragile, they tend to thin and fall off. Many women find relief by taking care of nutrition, practicing a sport and relaxation activities such as yoga. These are the most common symptoms, in any case women should consult a doctor, a professional who can help them deal with this period in the best possible way.

The gynecologist will also be able to evaluate whether to prescribe hormone therapy. The specialist, in fact, will carry out a specific assessment, assessing the state of health of each one. And acting with a targeted cure that gives relief and well-being to women.

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