Home » Migraine nasal spray: USA approves – the drug can do that

Migraine nasal spray: USA approves – the drug can do that

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Migraine nasal spray: USA approves – the drug can do that

Ten to 15 percent of all Germans regularly suffer from migraines, women are affected two to three times as often as men. Medicine now distinguishes between 367 different types of headaches, all of which lead to great suffering and significant restrictions in quality of life and ability to work. In Germany alone are daily 900,000 people affected, 100,000 of them even unable to work and bedridden.

Now a new drug is giving hope: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a nasal spray from the pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer, which has proven in studies to have a good effect on acute migraine symptoms. “Zavzpret” is applied through the nasal mucosa and is said to relieve migraine pain within just a few minutes. Thus, the drug represents an effective alternative for migraine patients who cannot tolerate oral medication or only to a limited extent.

Strong efficacy and safety profile

“It’s a powerful drug. But when you look at the data, it really stands out in terms of efficacy and safety profile,” said Emad Estemalik, chief of the Cleveland Clinic’s Head and Face Pain Unit in an interview with “CNN” together.

The quick effect of the spray is due to its application space. As Estemalik explains, the nasal spray works directly locally in the nasal mucosa. There are many blood vessels here, “so that the drug – in contrast to oral medication – is absorbed very quickly.” Depending on the study, pain relief can be felt within ten to 15 minutes. Possible side effects are taste changes, nasal discomfort and nausea, they occur in about one in five patients. Zavzpret is scheduled to be available in the US in July. It is still unclear when the drug will be available in this country. Physician Christoph Specht explains in an interview with “RTLHowever, he assumes that the application for approval will be made in the near future.

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Proven active ingredient in a new application

The theory behind “Zavzpret” sounds incredibly spectacular and new at first. According to Specht, however, the active ingredient contained in the migraine spray belongs to a group of substances that have been around for a long time. It has therefore been used for a long time in certain painkillers and also in migraine injections.

“The active ingredient contains antibodies that have been developed against migraine and to prevent migraine. The antibodies cause the blood vessels to dilate, which is good because we now know that constricted blood vessels often trigger migraine pain,” he explains.

According to Specht, only the form of application in the form of a nasal spray is new. This enables faster and easier application, since patients can treat themselves in acute cases. “If that works, it would really be a significant step forward,” he emphasizes.

Nevertheless, Specht warns against the careless use of the drug. The remedy should not be seen as an active ingredient against basic headaches. There are many different types of headaches, migraines are just one of them. “The nasal spray only helps against migraines and is not a drug that you just take. A clear diagnosis is required for the group of active ingredients, which is carried out by a specialized neurologist. Only when it is really clear that a patient has a migraine could the nasal spray be used,” says the doctor.

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