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more sugars and fats when we are stressed

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more sugars and fats when we are stressed

New Study Shows Link Between Stress and Unhealthy Eating Habits

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal Open has shed light on the impact of stress on dietary habits, particularly during times of lockdown and restrictions. The study, conducted on a sample of 5,008 individuals in Italy during the spring 2020 lockdown, revealed that a staggering 88.6% of participants over the age of 16 experienced psychological stress, with nearly half showing symptoms of depression.

Participants with moderate to severe depressive symptoms were found to consume dairy products, fruits, and vegetables less frequently, opting instead for high-sugar and high-fat foods. This finding aligns with previous studies that have shown a correlation between stress and unhealthy eating habits, with 42% of individuals turning to comfort foods during times of elevated stress.

Further research, published in Frontiers, delved into the physiological effects of consuming fatty foods under conditions of mental stress. The study, involving 21 healthy adults who were subjected to a high-fat meal before a stress-inducing exercise, found that endothelial function decreased by 1.74%. Endothelial function plays a crucial role in vascular health, regulating blood flow and preventing cardiovascular events.

Roberto Pedretti, associate professor of Cardiovascular Diseases at the University of Milan Bicocca, emphasized the importance of maintaining optimal endothelial function to prevent cardiovascular complications. He highlighted the role of chronic stress in predicting the onset of coronary heart disease, underscoring the need to prioritize mental well-being and healthy eating habits.

As the world continues to navigate the challenges brought on by the pandemic, the link between stress and dietary choices serves as a reminder of the importance of holistic health practices. By addressing stress management and promoting healthy eating habits, individuals can safeguard their well-being and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

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