Home » No more swollen and weighted legs even in summer with just 1 simple gesture to do at home to stimulate circulation

No more swollen and weighted legs even in summer with just 1 simple gesture to do at home to stimulate circulation

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No more swollen and weighted legs even in summer with just 1 simple gesture to do at home to stimulate circulation

One of the most typical annoyances of the summer season are swollen legs. Often, especially at the end of the day, your legs feel as heavy as two pieces of wood, painful and swollen. The result is that even standing or walking will become difficult.

The triggering causes of this problem can be many. High temperatures would certainly not help and could hinder circulation enormously. Not to mention the sedentary lifestyle, or the habit of wearing too tight pants. Even these reasons, in fact, could strain the circulation, creating the annoying consequences that we all know.

Here’s how to fix it

Specialists suggest several ways to improve this problem. In addition to specific medications, to be taken only on the doctor’s suggestion, there are other possible solutions. It will be good to consult a doctor, in fact, especially in the presence of tingling or varicose veins.

Other possible solutions to find some benefit, however, could consist in the use of specific creams and the execution of special massages. Let’s see together a very easy one, to be performed even at home.

No more swollen and weighted legs even in summer with just 1 simple gesture to do at home to stimulate circulation

One of the easiest massages we can do at home is the draining one. Basically, we will practice targeted movements along the legs, which would stimulate circulation.

To perform this massage we will need to get a specific draining oil, which we can also find in herbal medicine. Juniper oil, for example, would be particularly useful for stimulating and helping blood circulation.

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After pouring a drop of oil into your hands, you will need to make circular movements on the legs. Starting from the ankles, you will have to gradually rise upwards, always repeating the same movement.

It will therefore be necessary to massage the calf, then the thigh, up to the groin. These pressures should help reactivate the circulation, giving a feeling of general benefit.

Other great tips to improve swelling

In addition to the massage, we remind you that, to restore the well-being of our legs, experts would recommend walking regularly.

The walk, in fact, would activate the calf muscles, helping blood circulation. With these tips we can hope to never have swollen and heavy legs again even in summer.

Furthermore, we should also take advantage of the summer period to get active. At the seaside, in particular, it would be enough to walk for 30 minutes a day following some criteria, to improve one’s blood circulation.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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