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“No Truce Plan for Orthodox Easter”. Bakhmut to sword and fire

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“No Truce Plan for Orthodox Easter”.  Bakhmut to sword and fire

”No plan has been advanced” for a truce in the Ukraine-Russia war in view of Orthodox Easter, ”but Holy Week has just begun”. This was stated by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov at a press conference. Orthodox Easter will fall on April 16th. “Let’s not forget that Moscow has already presented initiatives and has joined” truce proposals, “but has faced the reluctance of the Kiev regime” to accept them, Peskov underlined.

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ROLE OF FRANCE IN MEDIATION – The Kremlin spokesman then commented on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s proposal to his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron to play a mediating role between Russia and Ukraine. It is hard to imagine that France could play a mediating role in the conflict in Ukraine, since Paris is indirectly and directly involved in the conflict on Kiev’s side, Peskov said. ā€œParis now cannot claim the role of mediator, because Paris took the side of one of the participants in the conflict. Paris, moreover, is involved both indirectly and directly in this conflict on the side of Ukraine. Therefore, it is still difficult to imagine any attempt at mediation,ā€ Peskov told reporters.

The Kremlin spokesman also explained that the Russian government ”is following with interest” the leak of confidential documents from the United States regarding the conflict in Ukraine. And, to a question about the possible involvement of Russian agencies, he replied that ”it is now a tendency to blame Russia, always and for everything”. The spokesman added that ”the news leaks are interesting” and that ”everyone is studying, analyzing and discussing them extensively”.

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According to Peskov, “it cannot be excluded” that the United States may spy on Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, “as they do with others”. “The fact that the United States has long since begun to monitor various heads of state, especially European ones, has repeatedly emerged – he said – Therefore, it cannot be excluded ” that Zelensky is under American surveillance.

ZELENSKY ASKS TO SPEAK TO MODI – Ukrainian President Zelensky has requested talks with Indian President Narendra Modi. This was stated by the Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzhaparova, explaining that Zelensky wants to involve India and ask it to play a role in solving the crisis in Ukraine. Dzhaparova is in India for a four-day visit to New Delhi, the first by a Ukrainian minister since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

LA SITUAZIONE A BAKHMUT – Spotlight constantly on the situation in Bakhmut. The Russian armed forces have “switched to the so-called scorched earth tactic” in the city besieged for weeks in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi, commander of the Ukrainian land forces, denounced, adding that Russia ” it is destroying buildings and positions with air strikes and artillery fire”. The Ukrainian defense continues, underlined Syrskyi, explaining that ”the situation is difficult, but under control”.

INTELLIGENCE GB – Russia continues to prioritize military operations around Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, “spending significant resources for minimal gains”. The British Defense Ministry said in a statement explaining that over the past seven days Russia has increased armored assaults around Marinka, a small town about 20 kilometers southwest of the city of Donetsk.

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