Home » Patient well-being must take precedence over profit orientation / The German Medical Association demands…

Patient well-being must take precedence over profit orientation / The German Medical Association demands…

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Patient well-being must take precedence over profit orientation / The German Medical Association demands…

17.02.2024 – 10:00

Federal Medical Association

Berlin (ots)

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach announced regulations for investor-supported medical care centers (iMVZ) more than a year ago, but nothing has happened since then. “The current media reports about employee seminars at an investor-supported MVZ chain to maximize profits in patient care illustrate the excesses that unbridled profit orientation can lead to. If greed for profit takes precedence over patient well-being, this undermines people’s trust in our healthcare system as a whole and damages MVZ, which in itself makes sense Supplementing outpatient care in particular,” warns Federal Medical Association President Dr. Klaus Reinhardt. He once again appeals to the legislature to protect patients from undesirable developments caused by the influence of non-specialist financial investors and to finally introduce appropriate legal regulations.

Background: It has been known for some time that non-specialist capital investors have discovered the healthcare market, attracted by the secure cash flows of social security contributions. Buying up smaller hospitals in order to establish medical care centers is popular. The goal is often to generate high returns for investors by offering lucrative services and high volumes of services.

The German Medical Association has therefore drawn up concrete wording suggestions for legal regulation in this area and forwarded them to the Federal Ministry of Health. These proposals are intended to ensure that patient welfare always takes precedence over commercial interests. The states of Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate also submitted a proposal with the same objective to the Federal Council. “Sufficient regulatory concepts are on the table. Now the Federal Minister of Health is required to finally follow up his announcements with action,” said Reinhardt.

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Positions of the German Medical Association on the need for regulation for medical care centers

Press contact:

Federal Medical Association
Politics and Communications Department
Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1
10623 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 4004 56 700
E-Mail: [email protected]

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Original content from: German Medical Association, transmitted by news aktuell

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