Home » Plant pests and diseases: aspirin as a pesticide

Plant pests and diseases: aspirin as a pesticide

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Plant pests and diseases: aspirin as a pesticide

L’do it yourself garden, or the cultivation of plants on the terrace or inside the house, is a good practice for having greenery inside the house. Plants can enhance the aesthetic appearance of an apartment or balcony. At the same time those who love to grow fruit or aromatic plants, will find the advantage of having production direct lemon, avocado, basil, tomatoes etc. The web is increasingly full of tips to do to grow up good plants.

In fact, some fertilizers can be good for one plant and less for the other. The proverbial green thumbwhich is none other than the sensitivity to understand the health of the plant, not everyone has it, so in some cases we try instructions by those who are more experienced. But they are not always all valid. First of all, the microclimate of the apartment, ventilation, exposure and humidity must be considered. Some more sensitive plants may not fit well into the home. They could develop mushrooms or brown spots. And she tries to run for cover.

Aspirin in plants, is it good for you?

Aspirin Piante (Pixabay Photo)

It is proved that theaspirin it’s good for plants. Acetyl salicylic acid, the active ingredient of aspirin, would improve its growth, especially in case of cuts or pruning. Furthermore, as it acts on the human being, it also acts on plants, protecting them from parasites that can make you sick. It helps prevent disease, but it is not curative. So if the pest degeneration of the plant is already underway, aspirin is not effective.

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However it is very useful for stretch the life of the plant. In fact, the active ingredient has an antioxidant property. Also recommended for the propagation of the cutting. When in the period right a cutting is cut and then replanted, aspirin can be sprayed to improve growth. Acetyl salicidic acid helps the propagation of roots. One must be careful about using aspirin for plants which will then create fruit to be ingested. Especially if you are allergic to the active ingredient.

Read also: Aspirin, benefits when used for plants: what happens

The advice for those with many plants is to mix 3 aspirinda 250 a 500 mg, in 11.5 liters of water. In this way you will get a useful compound to be sprayed on the plants. During the growing season it can be sprayed once every three weeks. If you need a smaller quantity, just do the right ones proportions between water and drug solution.

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