Home Ā» Psychologist bonus: how it works, request it and get the 600 euros

Psychologist bonus: how it works, request it and get the 600 euros

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Psychologist bonus: how it works, request it and get the 600 euros

Italy also needs a psychologist bonus, the Government decided. The coronavirus pandemic has in fact also had an impact on people’s mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, depression.

It is with the new Milleproroghe decree that the psychologist bonuswith which you can have up to six hundred euros to support the costs of the sessions by the specialists. A measure therefore designed to support citizens with the expenses due to psychological assistance and on the other hand also to strengthen the health structures that provide psychotherapy services.

The amendment that contemplates it was initially presented during the evaluations on the Budget Law, but was not accepted. Instead, it was approved between 16 and 17 February 2022 by the commissions Constitutional Affairs and the Budget of the House. The success of the measure was also driven by an online signature collection, which led to over four hundred thousand subscriptions.

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The operational details are still to be clarified (a decree on purpose to explain every detail), but in the meantime it is known that the total allocation of resources amounts to 20 million euros: let’s see what activities they are intended for and who is entitled to the incentive.

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The psychologist bonus that aims at enhancement assistance for psychological well-being of individuals and the community, as the amendment explains.

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The objectives

The measure aims to achieve this goal by supporting psychotherapy and psychological support services in the absence of a diagnosis of mental illnesses, but also has the aim of helping citizens to cope in conditions of depression, stress, anxiety and psychological distress in general.

How the psychologist bonus works: up to 600 euros obtainable

The psychologist bonus consists of an economic contribution to pay for sessions with private specialists – psychologists or psychotherapists – registered in the professional register. There maximum amount available per person is six hundred eurosto define the brackets based on the ISEE bands.

The total allocation of funds amounts to 20 million euros, of which:

  • 10 million euros for the strengthening of health facilities
  • 10 million euros for individual contributions to people

To arrive at the figure, we started from the average cost of a session with a specialist, about fifty euros, so the maximum limit of six hundred euros could cover the costs of twelve sessions.


The fundamental requirement to be able to access the measure is to have Isee less than fifty thousand euros. It is estimated that around sixteen thousand people can be involved in the initiative. There are no age restrictions.

The Ministry of Health will publish, thirty days from the approval of the Milleproroghe decree, a decree with all the practical indications for submitting the application for the psychologist bonus. At that stage Details will also be clarified like all the requirements, in addition to the amounts due based on income.


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