Home » reduces stress and the risk of a heart attack. The study that proves it

reduces stress and the risk of a heart attack. The study that proves it

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reduces stress and the risk of a heart attack.  The study that proves it

Counterorder drinking alcohol is not bad, indeed it is good for health. Whether it is beer or winea daily intake reduces the risk of major cardiac events such as strokes and heart attacks by 20% in the general population, and even reaches -40% among people suffering from anxiety and various fears. A new one reveals it studio del Massachusetts General Hospital who believes he has finally discovered the reason for the benefits of alcohol in moderation on cardiovascular health.

How many glasses to drink?

A light consumption equal to no more than one glass a day for women and two for men – explains the report led by Ahmed Tawakoldirector of the hospital’s imaging department – decreases anxiety, relaxes the nervous system and affects brain activities. The positive effect therefore does not depend on alterations induced by alcohol on blood, blood pressure or cholesterol, but directly on its impact on the brain.

The US study

Scholars have verified this by analyzing with brain MRI hundreds of people whose habits had been followed and recorded in the Biobank’ del Mass General Brigham hospital. Among the data that emerged: people who drank on average fewer than 14 drinks a week showed significantly lower odds of having a heart attack or stroke of those who didn’t drink at all.

Search results

Also, the brain analysis showed among light or moderate drinkers a response to stress of the area of ​​the amygdala decidedly lower than normal, in direct proportion to the decreased feelings of anxiety and fearAdditionally, fewer adverse cardiac events occurred in these individuals. “To be precise,” he explained Taewakol – the reduction in the probability of heart attacks and strokes was 20% for everyone and 40% for people who suffered from anxiety”. Scholars, however, warn against the fact that the use of alcohol, even light, continues to be associated with an increase in markers of inflammation and cancer risk.

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