Home » Rice, how to cook it to reduce calories

Rice, how to cook it to reduce calories

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Rice, how to cook it to reduce calories

Article updated on January 13, 2024

With the arrival of the new autumn season we all have more desire to stay at home and take care of chores, especially our kitchens. Turning on the oven or spending more time at the stove is definitely more pleasant when that unbearable heat is no longer there, so why not prepare something good for both us and our loved ones? For example, we can try to cook a good risotto, a real panacea for reducing calories and then those from Northern Italy know very well how to prepare it galore.

We specify that iRice can be cooked in many different ways, giving free rein to our imagination. Starting from the plain one to the Milanese one, from the one with sauce to the one with vegetables, the choice is really wide and they are all very tasty. Furthermore, we can also try to create one with some delicious leftover croquettes. In summer, however, we recommend it cold to be enjoyed even on the beach. Among other things, since sushi arrived in Italy, we are now used to eating rice paired with fish, especially that I think. Very good and tasty and today appreciated by a lot of people who believe it is particularly light, but is it so?

The trick to eliminate calories

The truth is, definitely rice is much lighter and less caloric than dry pasta, but as with the latter, an important clarification must be made. In short we can say that the condiments and sauces make the difference in terms of calories. So if we abound with these on our rice in the end we certainly won’t be able to say that it is light.

In addition to this however, we must also pay attention to cooking, usually when we cook it we tend not to weigh it and overcook it. This is why we eat more of it and as a result we are more likely to gain weight. But did you know that with a simple secret trick you can avoid all this?

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Raw rice – Photo by Vie Studio/ Pexels.com

Cooking rice

The secret is hidden in the cooking. The first thing to do is to bring to the boil only the amount of water we need to cook the portion of our rice. At this point for every 100 g of cereal we add a teaspoon of coconut oil.

We proceed with cooking for about twenty minutes. In this way we can say goodbye to excessive quantities of rice and above all to calories which in most cases manifest themselves in swelling and a few extra pounds.

Properties and types of rice

Rice, like most healthy foods, has a number of beneficial properties. The latter, however, mainly concern brown rice, let’s see together what they are:

Brown rice improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is rich in antioxidants, such as ferulic acid and lignans. Finally, it is rich in fiber.

Additionally, rice may also provide some benefits for health, for example:

Properties and types of rice – Photo by Rachel Claire/ Pexels.com

Rice is one of the most widespread cereals that belongs to the Graminaceae family, but one thing is certain: there are so many varieties of rice. The best known belong to the Oryza and Zizania genus, among these we find:

Arborio rice. Carnaroli rice. Basmati rice. Venus rice. Jasmine rice. Red rice. Currant rice.

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