Home » risks a fine of 1000 euros

risks a fine of 1000 euros

by admin

August 11, 2021 12:34

A very expensive day at the gym. A 20-year-old boy, a young Italian, got into trouble on Tuesday afternoon in Milan after he showed up at a gym in the Porta Romana area with a green pass that was obviously not his.

To ascertain the violation of the Dpcm which establishes the obligation of the green certification to enter the training rooms were the police of the Police Headquarters, who at about 4.30 pm were alerted by the owner – a 46-year-old Italian – who could not reassure the boy .

When the 20-year-old introduced himself and showed “his” green pass, the manager – who knew him – immediately noticed that the data did not coincide and so he asked him for an explanation. At that point the young man began to have a polemical and aggressive attitude, so much so that the owner of the gym asked for the intervention of the police. To the agents, the boy admitted that he disagreed with the government’s decisions regarding vaccines and green passes – a “no vax” in practice – and even in front of the police he continued in his “show”.

However, the crew of the Volante managed to identify the young man, who now faces a fine of between 400 and 1000 euros. The administrative section of via Fatebenefratelli, on the other hand, is continuing to investigate whether the certificate presented by the boy was totally false or if “simply” it belonged to some family member or friend.

See also  “From May via the Green Pass indoors.” The government tempted by the last tear


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