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Run-walk: how to improve your running and have better results

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Run-walk: how to improve your running and have better results

Effective Technique for Starting Running: Alternating Running and Walking

If you are convinced that walking during your run is a sign of failure, think again. Alternating running and walking can actually be one of the most effective ways to start running gradually. By skillfully alternating between these two actions, you can improve your running abilities day after day.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common mistake beginners make is starting to run immediately and then becoming exhausted before they can even finish. It is important to walk before you reach a point of complete exhaustion. Additionally, rushing to start running again without properly recovering can lead to a less effective workout and overall performance. Another common mistake is running without control, which can result in improper breathing, muscle fatigue, and potential injuries.

Structuring Your Training

To effectively alternate running and walking, structure your training session to include a warm-up, workout, and cool-down. Begin with a brisk walking warm-up for about 10 minutes to activate your muscles and cardio-respiratory system. During the workout phase, expertly alternate between running and walking, gradually increasing the running intervals and decreasing the walking intervals. Start with shorter running intervals and longer walking intervals, then progress to longer running intervals with shorter walking intervals.

Progression and Control

As you continue with your training, gradually increase the running intervals while maintaining good recovery periods. This progression will help improve your endurance and overall running performance. It is essential to maintain control during the running sections to prevent fatigue and potential injuries. Focus on proper form and pacing to ensure a successful and safe workout.

Benefits of the Run-Walk Method

The run-walk method is not just for beginners; it can be used indefinitely to cover long distances with less impact and greater safety. Many runners use this method in long-distance races to improve endurance and prevent exhaustion. By incorporating running and walking into your training routine, you can enhance your overall running experience and achieve long-term success.

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