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Science confirms it: reducing this food can save millions of lives (and yours)

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Science confirms it: reducing this food can save millions of lives (and yours)

Recent research has revealed that reducing meat consumption in one’s diet can have a significant impact on both individual health and the health of the planet. According to scholars, this change in diet could potentially save millions of lives.

The World Health Organization has reported that in 2019, four million people died prematurely due to air pollution, with emissions from intensive animal farming being a major contributor. The release of ammonia, methane, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide from these farms has a significant impact on air quality, leading to various health issues such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic problems.

In response to these findings, the Environmental Change Institute of the University of Oxford has proposed a “flexitarian diet,” which is a vegetarian diet that includes moderate amounts of meat and fish. This diet has the potential to prevent approximately 100,000 early deaths globally and improve air quality by reducing the impact of intensive farming. Additionally, it could have positive effects on the health of the planet and contribute to addressing world hunger.

These findings highlight the importance of considering the impact of our dietary choices on both our own health and the health of the planet. As individuals and society as a whole continue to prioritize health and sustainability, reducing meat consumption may be a crucial step in achieving these goals.

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