Home » Sensation of falling into the void during sleep: where does it come from?

Sensation of falling into the void during sleep: where does it come from?

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Sensation of falling into the void during sleep: where does it come from?

The dreadful sensation of falling asleep is very common. Here are the causes of this disturbing phenomenon.

There is nothing better than a good night’s sleep after a busy day at work. The moment of rest should prepare people to face daily commitments with strength and energy. Sometimes, however, it can turn into a real nightmare.

Everyone will have experienced an unpleasant sensation, as if was falling into the void. It is an event capable of generating great disturbance due to the tension that is created. Despite the annoyance, however, one should not panic as there is no cause for alarm. Indeed, according to the opinion of experts, behind this phenomenon there are several explanations.

Falling into the void during sleep: the reasons behind this unpleasant sensation

The feeling of falling into the void while sleeping has nothing to do with reality. It’s not really rushing, it’s just an annoying perception that, from time to time, happens to feel during the night. This, however, does not make the phenomenon any less unpleasant. Conversely, the fear that it may reoccur can become reason for insomnia and emotional turmoil.

Fear of falling while sleeping: what are the causes – tantasalute.it The most common cause is from lead back to muscle spasms. Shortly before falling asleep, it is possible to produce involuntary movements over which the person has no control. It’s completely normal for human physiology and therefore shouldn’t scare you. Being aware of the triggering cause can help you experience the event with more serenity. In other cases, we cannot speak of perception, but of a dream. It’s not unusual dream of falling from great heights such as stairs, buildings and mountains. This can be traced back to unconscious factors that push the person to fear of loss of controlFalling in an elevator can indicate social fears and a lack of understanding. Family or couple problems are two factors that should not be underestimated. Even work or sentimental refusals can induce similar nightmares. Furthermore, anxiety and stress only exacerbate the frequency of the phenomenon, risking create an endless vicious circle.

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The feeling in question it must not become a cause for panic. Immediately after the incident, he is advised to take deep breaths and change position. Drinking a glass of water at room temperature can also help. This way, it will be easier for you to fall asleep.

Discuss it with your loved onesIt could also help you understand that you are not alone. Surely, you will come to know of many experiences similar to your own.

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