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Silvio Berlusconi in intensive care, is stable. Optimistic family members. DIRECT

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Barelli, ‘Fi? No congress in sight’

“No one in FI has talked about congresses. We are all focused on the state of health of our president and if there is someone who spreads these rumors it certainly does not do it out of attention to FI and although never to Berlusconi”, So Paolo Barelli , parent company of Fi in the Chamber, in Corriere.
“Only a few hours ago the president entertained me about the organization of the party and the issues that must characterize our full support for the Meloni government. With these premises, talking about the future is improper, because Fi is already in the future”. But is a republican party, which perhaps sees FI and FdI together, possible? “In view of the European elections, the Italian center-right government will have to set itself the goal of making the center-right win even at the helm of Europe”.
You are in Fi’s circle of ‘power’: do you fear splits? “There is no circle of power. We are not in the Lord of the Rings saga. People are bored reading behind-the-scenes stories on internal changes, it matters for our voters to see that a party works. President Berlusconi has focused on a renewal which according to him will give a better yield, to score as many goals as possible. I therefore see no political reason for splits or defections.”

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