Home » Snoring in your sleep: natural remedies for over 60

Snoring in your sleep: natural remedies for over 60

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Snoring in your sleep: natural remedies for over 60

That of the snoring in your sleep it is a very common problem, which can upset the rest of the over 60. Also known as nocturnal snoring, the disturbance is manifested through a loud and noisy sound, emitted through the respiratory tract. The annoying noise is generated when the air emitted from the throat and nose does not find an adequate way out, subjecting the tissues that make up the back of the throat to a strong vibration.

Snoring at night is a physiological condition, which can often also hide some problems. There are no schedules, you can snore in your sleep at any time dedicated to rest. But if the condition appears persistent, personal relaxation is at the expense, deteriorating daily energy. Let’s find out the causewhen the disorder may underlie a problem and how to solve it, also by resorting to natural remedies.

Snoring in your sleep: the main causes

Snoring in sleep can affect everyone, even those over 60. A situation that could prove uncomfortable enough to affect the night’s rest, producing fatigue, tiredness and irritability. In addition to conditioning the relaxation of the room partner, forced to hours of insomnia. Before arriving at the solutions to be implemented, it is important to establish the cause main:

  • problems related to breathing;
  • excess weight;
  • occlusion of the nasal septum, enlarged turbinates;
  • allergies, rhinitis, colds and flu;
  • nasal polyps;
  • age, which leads to throat narrowing and reduction of its muscle tone;
  • anatomical defects, such as deviated nasal septum;
  • hypertrophic tonsils, adenoids;
  • incorrect posture during sleep;
  • taking medicines, alcohol and smoking.
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In some cases snoring in your sleep can even lead to sleep apnea, or the interruption of breathing during rest, capable of causing innumerable awakenings. A condition often associated with the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other conditions. To probe the problem, it is necessary to undergo a sleep test, also known as polysomnography the polysomnogram.

Over 60, solutions to stop snoring

Although snoring does not always have an impact on the quality of life, it is necessary to establish the triggering causes by asking for support from your doctor, or from an expert in the area, such as the snorchologist: it is a specialist for those who also suffer from sleep apnea. In the meantime, some tips on natural remedies and some healthy habits:

  • Healthy lifestylewith the reduction of smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • Healthy and balanced dietin order not to burden the stomach and in particular the body, with a harmful weight gain;
  • Movement and sportto eliminate excess fat and toxins;
  • Night positionan extra pillow to raise the head could facilitate a better rest;
  • Sleeping on your side to improve nighttime breathing. On the market there are devices useful to prevent the body from lying on the back such as backpacks, belts or the simple tennis ball sewn inside the pajamas;
  • Nasal canalsa daily cleansing with saline water is a real cure-all for breathing;
  • Clean environmentideal for eliminating and reducing mites, dust and hair;
  • Nasal patchincreases the flow of air by widening the nostrils and respiratory tracts;
  • Healthy environmentthanks to the action of products that prevent the air from drying out, in addition to the use of products capable of decongesting.
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Natural remedies, here are the best

Nature often offers useful solutions to improve personal well-being and in particular if snoring interrupts the serenity of the night’s rest. As anticipated, the air in the home environment must be clean, thanks to the use of some products and natural remedies able to clear the respiratory tract:

  • Natural oils: peppermint, thyme, mountain pine, eucalyptus and juniper, to be poured into a bowl full of water (or in a suitable diffuser) and to be placed on top of the radiator. The heat will allow the oils to release their beneficial properties making the room air healthier;
  • Compress and ointments: with the same oils you can make compresses for better breathing, just pour a few drops on a warm (not hot) cloth to place on the chest. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made ointments to always spread on the chest or under the nostrils, so as to free them;
  • Suffumigi: hot water, a hint of bicarbonate and a few drops of juniper essential oil, a perfect mix for the respiratory tract. Just pour everything into a large basin and place a towel over your head, breathing deeply to decongest them in a natural way;
  • Valerian extract: an important support capable of improving the quality of sleep and night rest;
  • Infusions and herbal teas: a classic of the colder seasons to decongest, also excellent for preventing snoring at night. Among the most popular is the nettle infusion, followed by the echinacea or ginger herbal tea;
  • Herbal products: perilla, also known as Chinese basil, is a useful product to relieve inflammation and also to counteract allergies, for the dosage it is important to follow the advice of the doctor or herbalist;
  • Acupuncture: practiced by a true expert it is an optimal remedy able to stimulate specific points of the body, so as to obtain a more peaceful sleep;
  • Food: some foods seem to reduce the problem, which is why it is important to consume them consistently, such as onion to decongest, honey useful for relieving inflammation, mint capable of clearing the nostrils and facilitating a good sleep, followed by almonds, necessary to relieve inflammation the throat.
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If the situation does not improve, it is good to consult your doctor, so as to find quick, targeted and definitive solutions together.

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