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Soaring immune defenses with 5 super foods that wipe out fatigue and autoimmune diseases

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Fatigue and the feeling of weakness does not always disappear after a night’s rest and often becomes a persistent condition. It is also sometimes associated with joint and muscle pain, dry skin, headaches and hair loss. In such cases it is very likely that the function of the immune system is in a tailspin and is unable to protect the body from infections and diseases. However, some studies have amply demonstrated that immune barriers are significantly strengthened with daily intakes of specific micronutrients. In particular, the risk of contracting infections is greatly reduced if foods that contain vitamins C, D, B12, zinc, iron and selenium are regularly included in the diet. Nutritionists often suggest 4/5 grams is enough at lunch to combat fatigue, tachycardia and high blood pressure.

Basically, you can skyrocket your immune defenses with 5 super foods that wipe out fatigue and autoimmune diseases. New life to immune cells with fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains and yoghurt rich in prebiotics. Specifically, it is necessary to identify which particular varieties of fruit, vegetables and other foods have the right quantities of micronutrients useful for the functioning of the immune system. So green light to the 5 foods that contain iron mines against fatigue, insomnia and anemia. On the other hand, it is often an iron deficiency that causes the feeling of weakness and heaviness in the head that compromises the quality of life.

Soaring immune defenses with 5 super foods that wipe out fatigue and autoimmune diseases

To guarantee the need for vitamin B12 and selenium, on the other hand, it is necessary to eat eggs in the recommended doses and even if you suffer from hypercholesterolemia. And this is because it is not the eggs but these 5 foods and drinks that raise cholesterol and triglycerides. Vitamin C and B12 are essential because they facilitate immunostimulating activities and accelerate energy metabolism. Furthermore, to find vitamin C and counteract the action of free radicals, it is recommended to consume fresh fruit such as kiwi and citrus fruits. But together with fruit also vegetables such as spinach, chicory, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes and peppers. Among the foods to bring to the table to cover the need for vitamin D there are mushrooms, blue fish, salmon, offal and fatty cheeses. To these foods are also added those rich in antioxidants such as garlic, green tea, turmeric and cinnamon which strengthen the protective shield of the immune system.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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