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“Social media is a danger to public health”

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“Social media is a danger to public health”

New York Mayor Calls Social Media a Public Health Hazard

New York City’s mayor, Eric Adams, has taken a strong stance against the harmful effects of social media on young people. In a recent speech at the Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture, Adams referred to social media platforms as a “public health hazard” and an “environmental toxin,” emphasizing the need to protect young people from the negative consequences of online activity.

Adams cited a document prepared by the city’s health commissioner, Dr. Ashwin Vasan, which highlights the alarming rise in adolescent mental health problems. The mayor specifically called out companies such as TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook for designing their platforms with “dangerous and addictive features” that contribute to a mental health crisis among young users.

The mayor’s declaration comes as a call to action for state and federal legislators to step in and address what he referred to as “alleged predatory practices” by social media networks. Adams urged legislators to take measures to curb the harmful effects of social media on youth.

“We cannot stand by and let Big Tech monetize our children’s privacy and jeopardize their mental health,” Adams stated. “Just like with tobacco and guns, we are treating social media like other public health risks and making sure tech companies take responsibility seriously for their products.”

New York City is the first major American city to take a bold stance against the dangers of social media, setting a precedent for other cities to address the harmful effects of social media on mental health. Adams’ remarks signal a growing awareness of the need to prioritize the mental well-being of young people in the digital age, and the responsibility of tech companies to mitigate the negative impact of their platforms on users.

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