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Specialists in Family and Community Medicine Advocate for Inclusive Approach to New Specialty in Emergency and Emergency Medicine

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Specialists in Family and Community Medicine Advocate for Inclusive Approach to New Specialty in Emergency and Emergency Medicine

Title: Specialists in Family and Community Medicine Advocate for Inclusion in New Emergency Specialty

Specialists in Family and Community Medicine in Spain are expressing their concerns and opinions regarding the forthcoming establishment of a new specialty in Emergency and Emergency Medicine. In response to the legislative changes proposed in Royal Decree 589/2022, the semFYC Urgencies and Emergencies Working Group, alongside other representative organizations, have issued a joint statement emphasizing the importance of including Family and Community Medicine specialists in the new specialty. The statement highlights the valuable contributions and expertise that these specialists bring to urgent and emergency healthcare.

The introduction of the new specialty in the Spanish National Health System (SNS) is set to modify the current system of specialist positions in various healthcare facilities, particularly in hospital emergencies and extrahospital emergencies. Currently, doctors in these services have obtained their positions through the MIR (Medical Internship Resident) access process, specializing in transversal specialties such as Family and Community Medicine or Internal Medicine.

The Need for Inclusion:
The semFYC Urgencies and Emergencies Working Group argues that the proposed regulatory changes must acknowledge the existing expertise of Family and Community Medicine specialists who have provided high-quality care in urgent and emergency settings. These specialists have continuously updated their skills and techniques to meet the evolving demands of urgencies and emergencies. The acquisition of these skills via the MIR process has laid a strong foundation for their practice and should be regarded as a valuable asset that deserves recognition and preservation.

The Call for Inclusive Framework:
In light of the pending changes, the semFYC urges the regulatory authorities to establish a clear and regulated legal basis for specialists who wish to access re-specialization opportunities. The proposed gateway should ensure the continuity of excellence in emergency and emergency services. The semFYC emphasizes the importance of a common core between Family and Community Medicine and Emergencies and Emergencies specialties within the branches of Health Sciences. This common core would provide a comprehensive vision to improve the quality of care and patient safety. Additionally, the adaptability of specialists to new professional scenarios and the versatility required by the SNS can be achieved through this approach.


Considering the Concerns:
The authors of the joint statement acknowledge the technical evaluations and concerns raised by different stakeholders throughout the consultation period. They urge all parties involved to consider these perspectives and work towards a solution that enhances the provision of services and aligns with scientific and technical knowledge, as well as the health needs of the population.

Specialists in Family and Community Medicine, through their professional representation and organizations, highlight the importance of their inclusion in the new specialty of Emergency and Emergency Medicine in Spain. Their joint statement emphasizes the valuable skills and expertise they have acquired through their specialization and calls for the establishment of a clear framework that recognizes and preserves their contributions. As the legislative process progresses, it is hoped that the concerns raised will be addressed to ensure the continued excellence in urgent and emergency healthcare provision.

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