Home » Suviana massacre, the three victims. ‘Vincenzo was shy, a worker, recently married’

Suviana massacre, the three victims. ‘Vincenzo was shy, a worker, recently married’

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The three victims identified in the Suviana massacre are between 35 and 73 years old. They are Pavel Petronel Tanase, born in Romania, from Settimo Torinese (Turin), 45 years old, Mario Pisani, born in Taranto and resident in San Marzano di San Giuseppe (Taranto), 73 years old and Vincenzo Franchina, 36 years old, from Sinagra (Messina).

‘Vincenzo, shy, worker, recently married’ – “A polite, shy person, of few words, very kind and above all a great worker”. It is the portrait that the mayor of Sinagra (Messina), Antonino Musca, paints of Vincenzo Franchina, 36 years old, one of the workers who died yesterday in the explosion of the Bargi hydroelectric power plant at Lake Suviana in the Bolognese Apennines. “I stayed with Vincenzo’s family until recently, it’s a moment of great pain. We are just over two thousand inhabitants, we all know each other here”, he explains to ANSA. The pain is that of an entire community, shocked by the tragedy, gathered around a reserved family. “I knew Vincenzo well, I had the privilege of celebrating his wedding last January, 2023. As a boy he attended the school where I taught at the time, every now and then I even gave him a lift home. A polite person, of rare kindness like all his family. People of great dignity for whom I can only have kind words.” Vincenzo and his wife, a nurse at the Gaslini hospital in Genoa, also originally from a town near Sinagra, had left their homeland for work reasons. They lived in Genoa. “Vincenzo was an employee of an external company that did maintenance work for Enel, I don’t remember his name”, says the mayor. The Franchina family is in pain, “they will certainly come to Bologna but not immediately given that the bodies are seized”. “I have very little to do – adds Musca emotionally – but we are available. We are certainly thinking of proclaiming city mourning”.

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The 73-year-old victim was an expert in plant engineering – “He wasn’t the classic worker who works late to supplement his income, but he was probably there as an external consultant considering his experience in plant engineering.” Francesco Leo, the mayor of San Marzano di San Giuseppe, the town in the Tarantino area where 73-year-old Mario Pisani, one of the three victims of the Suviana massacre, lived, told ANSA. According to the mayor, Pisani “had managed a company that built systems in structures of a certain importance such as incinerators, also carrying out work for public bodies”. Until a few years ago he lived in San Marzano where his daughter and some grandchildren live.

Parish Priest Settimo, we will help Tanase’s family – “Today I visited the family and said a prayer trying to strengthen them. As a parish we will take care of everything necessary for the funeral to help those who remain” The words, entrusted to Facebook, are from the priest Paolo Porcescu, parish priest of the Orthodox church of Settimo Torinese (Turin), where Pavel Petronel Tanese lived, among the victims of the accident at the Suviana lake power plant, who is remembered as “husband and father of twins”. “The consular authorities were notified – explains the priest – who communicated directly with the consul Mirela Dumitrescu, as well as with the mayor Elena Piastra, who assured us of all the necessary support”.

Read the full article on ANSA.it

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