Home » Teramo, steel cable stretched between two trees: a young man dies while doing motocross

Teramo, steel cable stretched between two trees: a young man dies while doing motocross

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Teramo, steel cable stretched between two trees: a young man dies while doing motocross

The nightmare returns cables suspended along a road, stretched from one side to the other. After Milano, Foggia and Pistoia, another victim, killed by a steel chain stretched between two trees in San Nicola di Bisenti (Teramo). A 25-year-old from Castiglione, Messer Raimondo, lost his life, Damiano Bufo: the accident occurred on Sunday afternoon.

Accident and rescue

According to initial information, the young man, a motorbike enthusiast, was doing motocross with a group of friends when, due to the steel cable stretched between two trees, he lost control of the vehicle and fell to the ground. The 118 rescue efforts were useless: there was nothing that could be done for the boy due to the serious injuries he sustained. The community of Castiglione Messer Raimondo, where the boy was born and lived until a couple of years ago, before moving to Pineto, was in shock. Mayor, Vincenzo D’Ercole, on behalf of all citizens, expresses “deep condolences and closeness” to the boy’s family.

In Milan arrest for massacre

Since the beginning of the year, there have been at least three incidents of stretched cables that could have been fatal like the one in Teramo. In Milan on January 4, a 24-year-old boy, a young Milanese man with a criminal record, was arrested for a massacre and an attack on transport safety because he was accused of having stretched a steel cable at eye height in Viale Toscana, in Milan. A young man from a window had noticed the scene and alerted the police. “I screwed up for fun, because I was bored,” the arrested man allegedly said. “I wanted to have fun.”

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The accident in Pistoia

Still. A thread stretched at neck height in the middle of a Cai path, he made a Francesco Biagini, a 47-year-old from Pieve a Nievole, and broke both elbows when he fell from his bicycle. The incident happened on a path in the Montalbano woods, in the province of Pistoia. “I just had time to notice that wire stretched across the path, while I was traveling on my bike downhill. I braked to avoid crashing into it but I was thrown forward, injuring my arms.”

The motorist from Foggia

On 21 February, around 2am, a motorist from Foggia, while driving along the Tratturo Camporeale, at the second roundabout, near Villa Reale, found himself faced with a steel cable stretched between two poles, which, in fact, prevented transit. The driver of the car immediately alerted the police and left the area, fearful that it could be an ambush to rob him.

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