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The 5 best physical activities to do according to Harvard: “Miracles for health”

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The 5 best physical activities to do according to Harvard: “Miracles for health”

Harvard Reveals the 5 Best Sports for Maintaining Health

According to Harvard, there are 5 physical activities that allow you to really take care of your health. In today’s world, taking care of your well-being is essential and doing physical training is a crucial component of that. Keeping your muscles active and achieving other health goals is important for the body.

There are various sports you can choose from based on your preferences and aptitude and, according to what was reported on the Harvard website, there are 5 sports specifically that are the best ever to choose from so you can truly learn to take care of yourself.

“These workouts can do wonders for your health. They will help you control your weight, improve balance and range of motion, strengthen bones, protect joints and even prevent memory loss. If you do some form of aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and include two days of strength training a week, you can consider yourself an active person,” these are the words reported on the Harvard website.

The 5 best sports to choose from according to Harvard are:

Swimming: this sport offers benefits especially to people suffering from arthritis, since they do not have to support the weight of gravity while in the water. It also allows you to tone all the muscles of the body, improve your metabolism and work on your breathing.

Tai chi: it is a type of martial art in which gentle and relaxed movements are combined in such a way as to allow those who practice it to work both on the muscles and on mental calm. With this sport, you can improve balance control, movement coordination, and breathing.

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In bugs: this type of training can also bring various benefits, helping the muscles and especially joints and tendons. In this case, the ideal is to start by lifting weights with a fairly low load, and then gradually increase as time goes by.

The walk: walking is an action that should be carried out every day for at least thirty minutes, given that it prevents the onset of various diseases and helps improve mood, especially if you walk in contact with nature. You can also decide to walk slowly for at least 20 minutes and this will help reduce cardiovascular risks and improve cholesterol.

Kegel exercises: these are exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor which supports the bladder. These are contractions and relaxations of the pelvic floor muscles, which also help improve sexual function for men and women.

These sports offer a wide range of physical and mental health benefits, and can be easily incorporated into your routine. Whether you prefer swimming, tai chi, lifting weights, walking, or Kegel exercises, there is something for everyone at every fitness level. Harvard recommends including at least one of these activities in your regular exercise regimen for overall well-being.

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