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The 5 most common mistakes not to make if you are on a diet

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The 5 most common mistakes not to make if you are on a diet

Here are the 5 most common mistakes that we have made at least once if we are on a diet and that do not allow us to lose weight.

It will have happened to everyone at least once in their life to go on a diet but not be able to obtain the desired results. This often happens if you follow them do it yourself dietswithout being followed by a nutritionist, but also to those who make some mistakes.

Fonte: Canva

Very often, in fact, when we decide to follow a diet, in addition to the controlled low-calorie regime we must be careful do not make some trivial mistakes that compromise our weight loss.

Let’s go and find out what are the most common mistakes not to make if you are on a diet and that do not allow us to lose weight.

Here are the mistakes you shouldn’t make on a diet

Very sWe often hear many dieters say that they cannot lose weight. Often the reasons can be related to health problems that should be better investigated with a doctor.

diet errors
Fonte: Canva

Other times, however, it may happen that you are unable to lose weight as you would like despite the diet due to some trivial errors. From wrong food choices to not getting enough rest. Let’s find out the 5 mistakes that we have all made at one time or another.

1) Not hydrating enough. Even if it is winter and cold and our body is less inclined to require the introduction of liquids, this does not mean that we should not drink. Water is essential for weight loss. Specifically, from one and a half to two liters per day is the dose necessary to stay in shape. Not drinking means running into water retention, constipation, non-disposal of toxins and much more. All situations that generate difficulty even in weight loss.

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2) Skipping meals. How many times has it happened to us to binge at lunch or dinner and skip the other fundamental meal of the day? A completely wrong choice for the purpose of the diet. There are also those who do not have breakfast and go straight to lunch by beating themselves up. Another big mistake. In this way the metabolism slows down with the consequence of immediately regaining everything that has been lost. Better then to eat balanced meals and introduce all the nutrients.

3) Not getting enough rest. As mentioned over and over again sleeping helps you lose weight. A more rested body will be able to better dispose of the extra pounds unlike a body subjected to stress. In fact, your metabolism slows down if you don’t get enough sleep. The classic 8 hours are recommended for a balanced sleep.

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4) Completely eliminate fats and sugars. While eliminating junk food is a good thing for both diet and health in general, that doesn’t mean we should exclude so-called good fats or all sugars. Green light then, in the right quantities to olive oil, dried fruit, and foods that contain Omega 3 and Omega 6. For sugars we prefer fruit and cereals. But also pasta and bread, even better if whole and always to be dosed in the recommended quantities.

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5) Train too much or not at all. Physical activity is also important to the diet. But even here, as in all things, it is necessary to have the foresight to practice it correctly. Not doing it is wrong. But doing too much is just as much. So also here let us ask for advice from a personal trainer who will be able to study for us a plan suited to our physical state and health.

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