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the health consequences are crazy

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the health consequences are crazy

Is drinking water before going to sleep a correct choice? Let’s see together what the consequences of this habit are.

Water, a fundamental element for life, plays a crucial role in the health of our organism. Not only is it the primary form of resource for our body and organs, but its regular consumption is considered more essential than nutrition itself. This need is evident in the constant need for hydration, which presents itself as a key element regardless of our lifestyle. However, there are conditions in which drinking water could be counterproductive.

Drinking water before going to bed: the consequences

The habit of drinking water regularly is of fundamental importance for good health maintenance.

Experts agree on the importance of drinking water even before feeling thirsty, incorporating it into a balanced routine. Although sleep may seem like a restful phase, the metabolism remains active in many ways while we sleep. With more than half of our bodies made up of water, it is vitally important to maintain an adequate level of hydration, which translates into a recommended daily consumption of at least 1.5 liters of water, distributed evenly throughout the day.

Drinking water before sleeping brings with it many benefits, but at the same time it can be a problem. Let’s find out why together.

How to behave before going to sleep

If it is true that water is essential, in some cases it may be better to avoid it. Like before going to sleep. On the one hand, drinking water before bed can cause the need to urinate during the night, known as nocturia, which in terms of sleep quality is not entirely beneficial as it interrupts our rest to make us get up and go to the bathroom.

On the other hand, the benefits of drinking water before sleeping are many. It contributes to a sense of relaxation, facilitates digestion, and promotes purification of the body. This practice can improve the quality of sleep, reducing the anxiety and stress typical of the end of the day.

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How to solve? Drinking at least a glass of water before sleeping can be a good habit, perhaps regulating its intake during dinner so as to avoid frequent awakenings at night. It’s important to drink the right amount of water, increasing in summer. Incorporating this practice into your daily routine can significantly contribute to overall well-being, improving the quality of sleep and supporting the body’s vital functions.

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