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the nightmare is here. But there is time to save yourself

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the nightmare is here.  But there is time to save yourself

Fentanyl, the Powerful Opioid Linked to Rising Overdose Deaths in North America

The use of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, has been on the rise in North America, leading to a surge in overdose deaths. The origins of this deadly trend can be traced back to the purchase of precursors from China to synthesize fentanyl for sale in the region.

Fentanyl is a potent and inexpensive drug that can be easily concealed due to its high potency. It quickly creates a strong addiction and builds customer loyalty, making it a lucrative product for drug dealers. The spread of opioid addiction in North America can be attributed to the introduction of fentanyl into the market.

The distribution of fentanyl was facilitated by pharmaceutical companies that promoted the easy prescription and consumption of painkillers. This led to an increase in opioid addicts seeking alternative sources for drugs. The combination of fentanyl with other substances, such as xylazine, created new, more potent products that have contributed to the opioid crisis.

The impact of fentanyl addiction has been devastating, with overdose deaths surpassing those caused by wars in the United States. The situation has prompted authorities to make antidotes for opioid overdoses readily available in various public places. Despite efforts to combat the crisis, criminal organizations continue to profit from the sale of fentanyl and other high-potency opioids.

The global reach of the fentanyl crisis has prompted discussions between major powers like the USA and China, highlighting the need for international cooperation to address the issue. Europe and Italy have also been urged to take action to prevent the spread of synthetic opioids in their region.

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As the fentanyl crisis escalates, questions remain about the effectiveness of current interventions and the need for more comprehensive treatment programs for addiction. It is crucial for governments to prioritize public health and safety in combating the fentanyl epidemic and preventing further harm to individuals and communities.

The rise of fentanyl as a leading cause of overdose deaths underscores the urgent need for coordinated efforts to address the opioid crisis and protect vulnerable populations from the devastating effects of addiction. Only through proactive measures and innovative solutions can we hope to stem the tide of this deadly epidemic.

*This article was written by a psychiatrist and coordinator of the technical table on addictions in the Lombardy Region.

Read the full article at The Gazzettino

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