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The sports medical certificate: differences and how long it lasts

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The sports medical certificate: differences and how long it lasts

Autumn is approaching and for those who during the summer months have maintained the good habits of constant physical activity, taking advantage of the holidays, the good weather and the open air, a different period now awaits, where training and attention to fitness are they will necessarily and largely take place indoors.

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Where to train

Some already have their own place of reference for keeping fit, others will go in search of the gym or sports facility that suits them best: possibly easily reachable, perhaps close to home or work, equipped just enough and with a book of proposals for be able to direct oneself towards the most suitable discipline. From the weight room to group yoga lessons, from pilates sessions to adrenaline-pumping spinning, from dancing to swimming. The range of proposals is very rich and the centers where the activity is carried out are ready for the new season.

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Sport yes, but with a medical certificate

At the time of registration, almost everywhere, the user is asked for a sports medical certificate, a document which must certify that the customer who will practice exercise within that facility is in such a healthy condition that he can move around without running risks. In essence, the declaration, compiled and signed by a doctor, which states that for the person who is registering, there are no contraindications to carrying out physical exercise.

“It is not mandatory, but it is required by practically every structure – explains the doctor Pier Luigi Bartoletti, general practitioner in Rome – It is released, often for a fee (the figures are variable and also depend on the type of diagnostic investigations that have been carried out on the subject in order to ascertain their overall good health). The actual obligation remains for certifications issued for sports activities in schools and for extra-curricular activities, or in sports activities and student games in the qualification phase, i.e. the one preceding the national competitions.

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All this – the expert further specifies – was established with a 2013 regulation, then confirmed in 2018. But in reality there are various regulations that intersect with each other. At a non-competitive level, for example, if the gym is affiliated with CONI, then the issuance of a medical certificate is mandatory and there should even be a form specifying which federation the facility belongs to.”

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How long does the document last?

Usually the certificate of good health for practicing sports is filled out by your family doctor and lasts for one year. But based on the clinical conditions it could be reviewed, in the sense that a check can be recommended in a shorter time, precisely to protect those who requested it. “Let’s look at the person’s weight for example – says Dr. Bartoletti.

If at the time of the visit his physical state was such as to reassure the doctor about the possibility for that patient to carry out the chosen discipline, it is possible that, after a few months, for any reason, his conditions have radically changed. If she has gained weight and had chosen, for example, to take part in dance lessons, everything will need to be reconsidered, on a joint, muscular and cardiac level.”

In any case, after one year, the document will have to be renewed with new checks by the doctor. If the interested party is not on the patient list of a specific general practitioner, the latter will not be able to provide any certificate for him. In that case, the user must contact a doctor affiliated with the sports doctors federation.

“What is needed and what is usually carried out during the checks for issuing the certificate – explains Dr. Bartoletti – is an electrocardiogram, the measurement of blood pressure and the verification that the general physical conditions are compatible with the sporting activity to be practiced. It is an accurate medical history, with an evaluation of the patient in relation to the sport he has chosen.”

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Specialists also in sports facilities

Some sports facilities have their own specialists on site and at the time of registration you can book an appointment for the general check and the issuing of the required certificate which will involve the same in-depth analysis. If everything is in order, the certificate will be issued at the same time to the applicant who will then present it to the managers of the facility where he intends to train. “However, it will not be granted in the event of the presence of pathologies that may worsen precisely because of the proposed physical activity. Or in those situations in which the interested party announces that he has chosen a type of discipline that involves an intensity of effort that is not compatible in that precise moment with the physical state of the person himself”, explains the specialist.

What is needed for children

Even for children, it is necessary to present a medical certificate to carry out sporting activities. “Up to the age of 6 it is not compulsory according to the rules in force since 2018 – explains Dr. Bartoletti -. But if the pediatrician deems it necessary, the minor should instead be examined and his state of good health must be certified. As regards on the other hand, competitive activity (and non-competitive activity if you do not turn to your doctor) – explains the expert – you must turn, as already mentioned, to a doctor registered with the Italian sports doctors federation. case of non-competitive activities organized by amateur clubs affiliated to the Federations or sports promotion bodies, where it is always necessary to obtain a certificate. Even for those who just want to play bridge!”.

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When sport is not recommended

In short, it’s good to get started, but in most cases a specialist will have to give us his clearance. And who knows if someone will even be advised against dedicating themselves to movement: “Training is never advised against – replies Doctor Bartoletti – but it must be compatible with the physical conditions and clinical state of the subject. Furthermore, it is inadvisable to start any activity, even recreational, which involves a considerable effort without preliminary training. For example, skiing on a ski holiday, or taking part in a game of tennis, padel or five-a-side football, or trying your hand at a run. In short, pay attention to activities that are carried out occasionally and not structured into a targeted physical education program”.

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