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the three forms that give the right to disability

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Both migraines and various forms of headaches can be included among the diseases that can provide the disability allowance. And we are moving towards an ad hoc law.

Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Not everyone knows this but the disability allowances awarded for pathologies recognized by the World Health Organization are different. And they concern some pathological forms that, many times, we do not consider included in any facilitation. This is the case, for example, of migraine and headache, rather frequent ailments recognized by the WHO among the pathologies that give entitlement to the allowance. Not to mention that the subjects who suffer from it are mostly young, included in an age range between 25 and 50 years. In particular, these are female subjects.

This is a check equal to 280 euros per month for taxpayers who will apply. Both headache and migraine can be included in the list of disabling diseases, provided that they are particular forms, falling within the categories indicated by the WHO. It will obviously have to be chronic symptoms, capable of compromising ordinary daily tasks, workers and non-workers. As for migraines and headaches, there are three that fall under the category of the World Health Organization.

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Migraine and headache: the three forms recognized by the WHO for disability

As mentioned, it is a check for 280 euros, awarded to those suffering from three specific types of migraine or headache. These are pathologies that cause serious problems in carrying out one’s work and which, often, even after intense treatment cycles, continue to reserve problems. As for headaches, it is, for example, the chronic paroxysmal form, or that afflicts those affected daily, causing neuralgia, redness of the eyes and frequent tearing. For some people it is necessary to take almost daily painkillers.

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In support of this, the law proposal “Provisions for the recognition of chronic primary headache as a social disease AC 684 and abb.” Intervenes. It is in fact an attempt to legislate on the matter, including both migraines and the various forms of headaches in the context of disabling social diseases in a broader sense. At present, we are also talking about chronic primary headache, as it is highly limiting in the workplace and beyond. A rather important step forward, as it would embrace millions of people suffering from these particular pathologies. We’ll see.

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