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«There are no men suitable for all seasons, or at least I’m not»

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«There are no men suitable for all seasons, or at least I’m not»

Fabio Fazio leaves the Rai and lands on New ones, already from next autumn, with a four-year contract. In the coming weeks, the “Warner Bros. Discovery” group will announce the projects they will be involved in the conductor of «Che tempo che fa» and its role. For now it is known that Luciana Littizzetto will also be part of it.

In the broadcast, Fazio thus responds to the columnist and former director of the
Ferruccio de Bortoli according to which Rai is committing “a serious editorial error”: “I’ve been at Rai for 40 years – says Fazio – but I think there are no men suitable for all seasons, or at least I’m not. I want to thank this company and the thousands of people I have met here».

The announcement of the new partnership precedes the board of directors of today’s Rai, in which the appointment of the managing director Roberto Sergio should be ratified. The timing of the conductor’s farewell does not seem random. His two-year contract was about to expire on 30 June and in his last meeting as managing director Carlo Fuortes, who had reached an agreement with Fazio, had pointed out the urgency of making a decision but the board of directors would not allow the approval of contracts after 31 August. Fazio could have waited for the installation of the new tops? Among the ranks of the majority yesterday someone supported him, accusing the presenter of victimhood. The fact remains that, after the CEO’s resignation, while rumors poured in about the arrival of new characters and the confirmation of others, no one ever contacted Fazio again, not even to propose opening a negotiation. A signal that the handler deemed sufficient.

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“Hello beautiful”. Thus on Twitter the deputy prime minister of the Northern League Matthew Salvini he greeted the two faces of Rai, not even trying to hide the rust in their relationships. The comment of the vice president of the Senate was also sarcastic, Maurice Gasparri (Forza Italia): «Rai 3 replaces Fazio with a few hours of silence without broadcasts, no one is equal to Faziono one could replace him».

In the centre-left the chorus is unanimous: the conductor’s farewell «is a sign of TV impoverishment and quality of Rai» complains the parent company Pd in ​​Vigilance, Stefano Graziano. Many members of the Democratic Party regretted, such as the former secretary Enrico Letta: «The right does damage to TV, to culture, to Italy». «Bad news for the country” he confirms Francesca Bria, Rai councilor (Pd share). “Fazio’s farewell is a worrying fact for the public service, even though he has expressed various doubts in recent years about the production company’s editorial line and costs” observes the independent RAI director, Riccardo Lagana.

“Social media has given legions of imbeciles the right to speak. There are times when one can only agree with Umberto Eco» is the reply of Salvini himself to some criticisms. «If this is a minister of the Republic…” the leader of Azione increases Charles Calenda. «Salvini confirms what we all know: Rai is a land of conquest, property of the parties and of the government majorities», he comments for Action Daniel Ruffino. The national president of Anpi, Gianfranco Pagliarulo, speaks openly of «purge». Social networks explode with comments from entertainment and information personalities, such as Luca Bizzarri e Conrad Formigli, both in defense of Fazio, but also of ordinary people. From today Rai will have to find another conductor who knows match their ratings.

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