Home » There are only 4 ways to keep the brain young but not all follow them correctly

There are only 4 ways to keep the brain young but not all follow them correctly

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A clear and alert mind is the desire of every person, from the youngest to the oldest. Over time, our memory and concentration begin to falter and the times of youth seem like a distant memory. Thoughts, stress, commitments do nothing but weigh down our head and lead us to easily forget things.

There are, however, various ways to maintain a certain clarity and avoid forgetting even our name. Here’s what they are and what we should do to get the most out of their benefits.

There are only 4 ways to keep the brain young but not all follow them correctly

Let’s start with the first two: eat well e get enough sleep. It is well known that nutrition plays an important role in our brain function. In fact, some types of fruit and vegetables, including dried fruit, help prevent brain aging and any neurodegenerative diseases.

On the other hand, those who sleep sufficiently can concentrate better, but not only. Good sleep is also linked to an improvement in mood, greater creativity and the control of one’s emotions. All these signs of a clear mind, rested and therefore more fit.

Not just food and sleep

The third and fourth ways concern our activities, both physical and mental, which unfortunately we often underestimate. We refer respectively tomotor activity and to reading. Practicing sports and keeping moving helps relieve stress, which also lightens the mind. Reading, for its part, together with crosswords and puns, as explained in this link, avoids the atrophy of our brain functions.

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This is why it is important to take care of our well-being at 360 degrees, to feel good in body and mind. Although these are very simple gestures, most of us, however, often ignore them and underestimate them. In fact, there are only 4 ways to keep your brain young but not all of them follow them correctly, why not start?

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