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This is how the diagnosis of dry eyes works

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This is how the diagnosis of dry eyes works

The ophthalmologist in Mainz uses modern medical technology to diagnose dry eyes

MAINZ. Burning, dry eyes, pain, itching and redness – these symptoms can have a variety of causes. Such complaints can, for example, be indications of an allergic reaction. The so-called Sicca Syndrome can also be behind this. These are complaints that are associated with dry eyes. The number of people suffering from dry eyes has continuously increased in recent years. According to the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists, around 15 million people in Germany are currently affected by it. In order to reliably diagnose Sicca Syndrome and take the right therapeutic steps, an exact diagnosis is essential. The doctors in the ophthalmological group Drs. Kauffmann and Breitkopf in Mainz use modern medical technology, the so-called idra platform.

Diagnosis of dry eyes: analysis of the tear film

The idra platform is an instrument for individual tear film diagnostics. The platform helps the ophthalmologist to assess the tear film using automatic, non-invasive tests and to use the data obtained to collect information about an individually tailored therapy. Sicca syndrome is a lubrication disorder of the eyes caused by a disturbed composition or quantity of the tear film. Normally, the tear film moistens the eye and protects it from foreign bodies, supplies it with nutrients and kills germs. The tear film consists of the lipid layer, an aqueous layer and the mucin layer. In healthy people, their interaction ensures that the eyes are adequately supplied with tear fluid.

Non-invasive tests to assess the tear film using modern medical technology

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With the idra platform, the ophthalmologist can individually analyze the tear film and structurally examine the tear composition. The analysis refers to all three layers of the tear film. The degree of redness of the eyes can also be quantified with the idra system. The instrument automatically and objectively documents the redness of the conjunctiva. The degree of redness calculated can be compared with corresponding classification sheets, which helps to assess the progress of the disease. Dry eye is often caused by dysfunction of the meibomian glands. With the idra system, morphological changes in the glandular tissue can be visualized. It records the length and width of the meibomian glands as well as the extent and failure area in percent. “The idra platform with its high functionality helps us to collect extensive data. This is extremely important in the diagnosis and treatment of dry eyes,” says ophthalmologist Dr. med. Thomas Kauffman.

Your ophthalmologist in Mainz / Wiesbaden with a wide range of services: Dr. Jutta Kauffmann, Dr. Thomas Kauffmann and Dr. Stefan Breitkopf. Do you have questions about the diagnosis or treatment or surgery of eye diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma? We also specialize in multifocal lenses, retinal detachment, strabismus (crossed eyes) and Botox treatments.

Ophthalmologists Mainz
Dr. med. Thomas Kauffman
Göttelmannstr. 13a
55130 Mainz
06131 5 78 400

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