Home » This type of dried fruit should be eliminated from the daily diet: the reason why it is not good for health

This type of dried fruit should be eliminated from the daily diet: the reason why it is not good for health

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This type of dried fruit should be eliminated from the daily diet: the reason why it is not good for health

Dried fruit is always included in the diet and associated with direct health benefits. This is true, but not all types are good for a daily diet.

Everyone goes crazy for it dried fruit and many love to eat it even when they are on a strict diet, but what if we told you that having such a habit isn’t always the right choice to make? Surely the consumption of dried fruit gives an important nutritional contribution to your body, but – like everything – there is absolutely no need to make a generalized speech.

Are you also in the habit of thinking that each category of dried fruit can be taken into consideration as a snack or hunger breaker? Actually, as we said, the question is more complex and some types should not be used at all.

Dried fruit to be eliminated immediately from the diet

Dried fruit has pros and cons. It sure is a food that is good for you because it contains healthy fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins. At the same time, however, it is also a fatty product, which should be eaten in moderation. Let’s find out the reasons together.

What is important to know about dried fruit to consume when you are on a diet (tantasalute.it)

Nuts are less worked, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease. It has effective properties against substances that cause the elevation of bad cholesterol or LDL. They also contain fibers that allow you to reduce cholesterol and sugars as well as providing omega 3 and L-arginine which are essential for the well-being of the body.

To be in the ‘viewfinder’, however, is nuts without shells. According to some experts, it would seem that such a food should be eaten moderately within a maximum of 28 grams per day . The reason? Despite what one might think, this type of dried fruit is fried on the surface, cotto e savory to be more palatable. So far so good, we dare say. Few, however, imagine that such a practice is done directly in the vegetable oil type fat, not making it healthy at all. In this case, in fact, not only is the fat not good for the body, but the heat is capable of dispersing the beneficial properties for which they are so famous.

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When buying dried fruit at the supermarket, you must therefore select the type that contains as little salt as possible, natural, even better if not opened but in the shell, so the freshness and genuineness of the product is certainly guaranteed. You have to learn to read the labels because if a product of this type is eaten every day it only risks doing damage, so it is important to make sure they are 100% natural.

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