Home » to provoke it the favorite food of the Italians

to provoke it the favorite food of the Italians

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There is a food, which is also one of the favorite foods of Italians, which would increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. That’s what it is about.

Girl with chest pain (from Adobe Stock)

The risk of some phenomena such as heart attack and stroke it can depend on several factors. First of all, it is necessary to see the state of health of the person in general and if there are any disorders that can lead to this. The genetic factor has its own relevance and, as in all things, it is also the power supply.

What we eat introduces into our body a series of substances that can do good, but also harm. If we regularly take vitamins, mineral salts, anything that can help the organs to work better, it is good. But if we regularly take substances that are harmful, they can cause illness and serious episodes in the long run.

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Having said that, unfortunately there is a food that seems to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is one of the favorite foods of Italians and it is Pizza. A simple 300 gram margherita pizza. But let’s see all the details below.

Risk of heart attack and stroke: pizza margherita causes it, the reasons

Pizza Margherita (Image from Pixabay)

The pizza margherita it contains many nutrients that our body needs. This is good to clarify. But it also contains 2 grams of sodium which is the daily limit that every person should take to avoid the risk of heart attack and stroke. This is what the World Health Organization says.

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But if only pizza has those 2 grams, according to the National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, it means that people will consume twice as much sodium in a day and that is not healthy. Sodium, or salt, affects the pressure which, if it rises too high, is the cause of many serious episodes in our body. For this reason, we must always keep an eye on what we eat and how often we do it.

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2 grams of sodium is 5 grams of table salt, what is contained in a teaspoon. Being aware of which foods carry certain risks is important. It doesn’t mean eliminating that food entirely from your diet, but making sure you consume it in the correct doses.

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