Home » Turin, Pro Vita flash mob with dolls: “No to the uterus for rent”

Turin, Pro Vita flash mob with dolls: “No to the uterus for rent”

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Turin, Pro Vita flash mob with dolls: “No to the uterus for rent”

A theme that divides, that creates controversy, that splits politics into two distinct factions. And antithetical. The rented uterus returns to the center of the news. “While a handful of rebel mayors, with some journalists, VIPs and members of LGBT associations, gathered in Turin for the event The City for Rights, to instigate the violation of the law with the registry entries for the children of of the same sex, thus opening the doors wide to surrogacy, but also to egalitarian marriage and adoptions for same-sex couples, we at Pro Vita & Famiglia organized a gathering in Piazza Castello, a few meters from their assembly, to defend the rights of women and children”.

Words that will certainly raise a hornet’s nest of controversy, those pronounced this afternoon by Jacopo Coghe, spokesman for Pro Vita & Famiglia Onlus and made known by the beraking latest news news agency.

“Our flash mob brought rainbow mayor masks to the square, a maxi flag that covered Piazza Castello with a drawing of the family and shopping trolleys with money and dolls with a barcode inside. Because this is the consequence of the transcripts: paving the way for the rental uterus, i.e. the commodification of the body of women, treated as slaves, and of children, considered as products to be purchased as in a supermarket. The transcripts are a political blackmail to which we do not want to give in, they are an amnesty on the skin of children. These mayors would like to give priority to ideological whims, to the detriment of true rights, those of children”.

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The masks of the mayors are those of Roberto Gualtieri (Rome), Beppe Sala (Milan), Gaetano Manfredi (Naples), Stefano Lo Russo (Turin), Matteo Lepore (Bologna), Dario Nardella (Florence) and Antonio Decaro (Bari). “With today’s meeting – concluded Coghe – these administrators have embraced the requests of the local authorities registered in the Re.a.dy network, i.e. a reality that proposes adoptions for same-sex couples, precisely the uterus for rent, but also the career alias and gender projects in schools throughout Italy”.

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