Home » Turmeric: because it’s good at 60

Turmeric: because it’s good at 60

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Turmeric: because it’s good at 60

Protagonist of numerous recipes, the curcuma it’s also great dietary supplement and turns out to be a precious one ally for health. Characterized by the typical intense orange color, it is a spice belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, easy to find and very useful both for flavoring and for filling up on antioxidantsessential substances above all to naturally counteract the effects of passing time.

At the age of 60, in particular, insert turmeric in the daily diet or use it as natural remedy represents an effective choice to prevent some ailments, favoring the Welfare and both physical and mental health. What makes turmeric special, in particular, is the curcumin: an antioxidant also responsible for giving the rhizome of the plant its typical color.

All the benefits of turmeric

Turmeric boasts a strong antioxidant potential, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant. The benefits deriving from its use are numerous, starting from the ability to counteract the inflammatory states that can affect both joints both the various organs. This particular spice:

  • it is useful for soothing muscle aches and skeletal;
  • prevents theaging of fabrics;
  • helps to reduce inflammatory states related to the liver, stomach and intestines;
  • helps reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood;
  • facilitates the elimination of the abdominal fat;
  • is a valuable source of dietary fiber and can speed up metabolism;
  • it is a good source of Vitamin E, Vitamin K and vitamins B vitamins but also of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, iron and potassium;
  • counteracts the attacks of viruses and bacteria thanks to its immunostimulating action which helps strengthen the body’s defenses.
  • according to several studies, finally, turmeric could prove effective in slowing down the development of tumor forms thanks to its inflammatory potential.
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By virtue of its numerous properties, therefore, turmeric becomes a valid aid to help fight some diseases effectively. The presence of curcumin, for example, is able to enhance insulin resistance but the well-being of thegastrointestinal system.

Furthermore, by counteracting the degeneration of brain cells, turmeric also appears to be effective against Alzheimer’s disease. As an antibacterial, however, it is useful in case of insect bites and small wounds.

Turmeric in the kitchen

In the culinary field, turmeric can be used in powder form, added to foods and some drinks: it is important, however, to integrate it when it is almost cooked to prevent the heat from losing most of its properties.

It can be added to sauces, smoothies, doughs and meat or vegetable dishes, as well as rice and soups. Turmeric is also the main ingredient of Golden Milka drink made with milk, cinnamon and black pepper known for its ability to enhance the immune system and fight seasonal ailments.

It is always important to ask your doctor for advice before taking turmeric supplements, the consumption of which can interfere with the intake of some medicines aimed at regulating blood clotting.

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