Home » Ukraine, live coverage – Pope Francis calls for the restoration of the agreement on wheat. Zelensky: “Important reminder.” “Kiev attack on Moscow, one wounded”

Ukraine, live coverage – Pope Francis calls for the restoration of the agreement on wheat. Zelensky: “Important reminder.” “Kiev attack on Moscow, one wounded”

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Ukraine, live coverage – Pope Francis calls for the restoration of the agreement on wheat.  Zelensky: “Important reminder.”  “Kiev attack on Moscow, one wounded”

30 Lug 2023


Zelensky: “War is returning to Russian territory”

“Russian aggression failed on the battlefield. Today is the 522nd day of the so-called ‘special military operation’, which the Russian leadership expected to last a week or two. Ukraine is getting stronger. Little by little, war is returning to Russian territory, to its symbolic centers and military bases, and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely right process.” This was stated by the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, in a video message from Ivano-Frankivsk, after the new drone attack in Moscow.

30 Lug 2023


Zelensky: “The Pope’s call for peace is important”

“An important call from the Pope to Moscow to restore the Black Sea Grain Initiative. The reaction of world religious leaders to the Russian missile terror and the destruction of Ukrainian agricultural products is extremely important to protect the whole world, and especially the peoples of Africa and Asia, which suffer most from the threat of hunger, from a food crisis. Ukraine is and will be the guarantor of world food security. The key thing now is to stop Russian terror and fully implement the #PeaceFormula.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on Twitter.

30 Lug 2023


Zelensky visits wounded soldiers in Ivano-Frankivsk

The Ukrainian president, Volodymr Zelenskyvisited Ivano-Frankivsk in a rehabilitation center for soldiers who were injured during the fights. “I would like to thank each of ours warriors for their feat and heroism. Thanks from all Ukrainians for defending our country. We will definitely win!” the president tweeted, posting some photos of the visit. “I am also deeply grateful to our medical staff! Doctors, nurses, you are all amazing. We are proud of your important work,” he added.

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30 Lug 2023


London: “Thousands of Wagner mercenaries in Belarus but without heavy vehicles”

There are several “thousands” the forces of Wagner group which since mid-July have been ESTABLISHED In the Tsel military campin Belarusprobably without much of the weapons heavy which they had supplied in Ukraine. This is reported by the Ministry of British Defense in its latest update. Showing some satellite images of the camp taken in recent weeks, the ministry reports that there are about 300 tents and 200 vehicles in Tsel, mostly truck e minibuswhile there would be few armored vehicles. “It is not clear what happened to the equipment heavy used by Wagner in Ukraine. There is a realistic possibility that she was forced to return it to the army russo“, continues the British ministry, specifying that the capacity of the Wagner to acquire heavy weapons will be “a key factor” for its future combat effectiveness.

30 Lug 2023


Pope Francis: “Russia restore the agreement on wheat”

“We do not cease pray for the torture Ukrainewhere war destroys everything, even the grain. This is a grave offense to Dio, because wheat is his personal gift to humanity. And the cry of millions of hungry brothers and sisters rises to heaven. I appeal to my brothers, to the authorities of the Russian Federation so that the Black Sea initiative is restored and the grain can be transported safely”. Pope Francis said it at the end of the Angelus.

30 Lug 2023


“Moscow attacked by Ukrainian drones, one injured”

The Russian capital Mosca has once again become the target of an attack by drones. A total of three aircraft were shot down. This was reported this morning by the Ministry of Russian Defense, according to the state news agency Tass, which also speaks of a wounded man. The mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin wrote on Telegram: “Ukrainian drones attacked last night.” The facade of two office buildings was slightly damaged. Tass reported an injured security guard, citing 911. Sobyanin he had previously written to Telegram that there had been no deaths or injuries. Moscow airport Vnukovo, in the southwest of the Russian capital, has been temporarily closed to departures and arrivals, according to Tass. Flights have been hijacked. Activities continued at the other airports in the region.

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30 Lug 2023


Russian defense: “Kiev attack with 25 drones on Crimea repelled”

An attack launched by was repulsed during the night Kiev with 25 drones on Crimea. He reports it this morning, according to what was reported by the agency Tassthe ministry of Russian defense. Of the 25 drones, 16 were destroyed by aviation security systems while the other 9 were shot down by electronic security systems. “The Kiev regime attempted to carry out a terrorist attack with 25 air-type drones on facilities on the territory of the Crimean peninsula overnight,” the statement said. The nine electronically neutralized drones “crashed in the waters of the black sea it’s at Captain Tarkhankut“.

30 Lug 2023


Medvedev: “Our forces are avoiding nuclear war”

The Armed Forces of Mosca“rejecting the counteroffensive of the enemy” and avoiding the occupation of parts of the Russia, they not only protect Russian citizens, but “prevent the outbreak” of a global nuclear conflict. This was stated by the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev. “Imagine that the offensive of the Ukrainians with the support of Nato is successful and part of our country is occupied, then we would be forced to use nuclear weapons, according to the decree of President from the Russia of February 6, 2020″, explained Medvedev, quoted by the Tass agency. “THE enemies of Russia they would do well to pray for Russian soldiers because they do not allow a global nuclear war to break out,” he added.

30 Lug 2023

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Snake Island attacked for the third time in a month

Russian aviation attacked the island of gods last night Snakes (Zmiiny in Ukrainian) with two bombs: the Southern Operational Command of the Army of Kiev, as reported by Rbc-Ukraine. “The enemy has attacked Zmiiny with tactical aircraft in the black sea for the third time this month by dropping two aerial bombs of unknown type in the area of ​​the island,” reads a statement.

30 Lug 2023


In August, Kiev organizes a peace summit in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia will host an organized peace summit from Ukraine at the beginning of August. The summit will be held in the port city of Jeddahon the Red Seasaid an official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Summit attendees will include the Ukrainebeyond Brazil, India, South Africa and several other countries, the official said. A senior administration official should also attend Usa. Event planning is supervised by Kiev and the Russia she is not invited. The Wall Street Journalwhich first reported the news of the summit, said talks would be held on August 5 and 6 with some 30 countries participating, citing “diplomats involved in the discussion”.

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