Home » Unavailable medicines: «Pancreatic enzymes now sipped»

Unavailable medicines: «Pancreatic enzymes now sipped»

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Unavailable medicines: «Pancreatic enzymes now sipped»


Yesterday morning at the pharmacy of Rosanna Galli, provincial president of Federfarma, the arrival of some boxes was eagerly awaited. However, the contents of the boxes were a stark reminder of the ongoing crisis in the availability of pancreatic enzymes, particularly the drug Creon, in the province of Cremona.

Galli explained, “Regarding Creon, the problem is national, consequently we have also detected it in our province a few weeks ago, and unfortunately, based on what we have been told, this situation will continue throughout 2024 and also into 2025.”

She also highlighted the difficulties faced by pharmacies in Cremona in trying to obtain supplies, underscoring the need for patients not to hoard more boxes than necessary to ensure availability for those in urgent need.

The situation has brought to light the scarcity of other crucial medications as well. The same difficulty, for example, has been recorded for some drugs linked to the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

The situation has been exacerbated by the fact that the shortage of these essential medications is widespread at a national level. The shortage of pancreatic enzymes has even affected the renowned singer Fedez, who took to Instagram to raise awareness about the crisis.

In response to the shortage, AIFA and the Ministry of Health have assured that they are closely monitoring the situation and implementing measures to ensure the therapeutic continuity of patients. AIFA has allowed healthcare facilities to import similar medicines authorized abroad in the event of supply disruptions.

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The scarcity of these life-saving drugs is not limited to Cremona. In Crema and Cremasco, pharmacies are struggling to meet the increasing demand for crucial medications, despite efforts to forward requests to companies several times a day. The shortage is further exacerbated by the lack of equivalents and generics for some of these drugs.

The shortage of pancreatic enzymes has dire consequences for patients suffering from pancreatic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and chronic pancreatitis, leading to malabsorption, malnutrition, and weight loss. Similarly, the shortage of anti-Parkinson drugs is creating a critical situation for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, affecting their mobility and quality of life.

The scarcity of physiological solutions also poses a significant risk to patient safety and healthcare workers’ ability to provide effective care.

The overarching message from healthcare professionals and authorities remains clear: urgent and coordinated action at a national level is needed to ensure a stable and constant supply of these essential medications. Without immediate measures, the healthcare system could face unsustainable pressure, and vulnerable populations could face a health crisis.

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