Home » Using Unreal 5 to make the game “The Matrix Awakens”, it is no longer a movie or a game

Using Unreal 5 to make the game “The Matrix Awakens”, it is no longer a movie or a game

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Article source: Qooah.com

In order to promote the “The Matrix Awakens” to be launched on January 14 next year, the original team including Lana Wachowski and Epic Games and its partners have jointly created the Unreal 5 demo version of “The Matrix Awakens” and announced that it will be released on PS5. And Xbox Series X|S on the shelves for free, so that players can experience the actual performance of the Unreal 5 engine.

According to the official website of Unreal Engine, this next-generation experience was completed by at least 20 companies, including Microsoft, “Gears of War” series developers The Coalition, Sony, movie special effects provider Industrial Pixel VFX, 3A game art designer Airship Images and Warner Bros. Entertainment and more.

Through testing, the loading speed of “The Matrix Awakens” on these three platforms is excellent. Although XSS has the fastest loading speed due to the lower image quality, the loading speed of XSX and PS5 is also controlled at 5. Within seconds. In addition, in terms of frame rate, texture, etc., the three platforms all have fairly close and excellent performance.

It is worth mentioning that in “The Matrix Awakens”, the developer adopted TSR temporal super-resolution technology, which is an anti-aliasing solution given by Unreal 5, which can achieve low performance overhead output Higher resolution images. From the official screenshots, you can see that “The Matrix Awakens” has been made on the screen to a level comparable to the real world. With the blessing of Unreal 5 and Light Chase, some scene screenshots can even be comparable to photos, giving people a strong visual impact. In addition, Epic has also invited sideFX, WetaFX and other major players in the visual effects field of the film and television industry.

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At the same time, in order to achieve the best picture effect, the 3Lateral team of Epic Games performed a high-resolution 3D scan of the faces of the actors and captured their movements in 4D.

Currently, the Unreal 5 trial version of “The Matrix Awakens” is only available for free on PS5 or Xbox Series X|S, and friends who are interested can try it out. Personally, I feel that the Unreal 5 experience version of “The Matrix Awakens” shows us what kind of graphics can be achieved in future games.

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