Home Ā» Vaccines, a thousand doctors and nurses in Tuscany appeal to the TAR against the obligation. And in Sicily 49 without doses suspended from the order

Vaccines, a thousand doctors and nurses in Tuscany appeal to the TAR against the obligation. And in Sicily 49 without doses suspended from the order

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A thousand health workers, including medici e nurses, have made an appeal to the TAR of Tuscany to request the suspension of the measures against those who have not been vaccinated. The lawyer who assists them in the case confirms this. Meanwhile in Sicily, in Syracuse, the Order of White Coats has suspended 49 unvaccinated members.

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“We have already notified and the appeal is being filed with about 1,000 applicants but we are collecting other signatures, about 200, for another similar appeal,” says the lawyer Tiziana Vigni which follows the applicants with his colleague Daniele Granara, professor of constitutional law and who was a candidate for the presidency of Tuscany for the “Vaccini Vogliamo VeritĆ ” list.


The Medical Association of Syracuse, on the other hand, after receiving the lists from the Asp and having made the necessary investigations, suspended 49 doctors not yet vaccinated. Ā«The doctor who can and cannot get vaccinated – says the president Anselmo Madeddu – is a bad example for society. The rules are respected, as well as the indications of the accredited scientific community, otherwise it is better to change jobs. Getting vaccinated is not only an act of attention to one’s own health, but also a civic duty and a necessary protection that every doctor must guarantee to his patients and clients “.

The initiative originated from the decree that it entrusted to Asp the task of ascertaining non-compliance and communicating them to the Order. In the case of the province of Syracuse, the ASP sent the Order an initial list of 153 unvaccinated doctors. After the investigations it was possible to exclude from the list all chlorine that had in the meantime been vaccinated or had obtained the exemptions provided for by the law. Furthermore, many Syracusan doctors who work outside Sicily had already had the vaccine in the regions where they operate, and therefore were excluded. In the end, therefore, only 49 doctors from Arezzo remained, not yet vaccinated and not exempted, for which the Council of the Order resolved the immediate suspension, with an annotation in the Register.

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The suspension

The suspension of the Order will last until 31 December, except for those who in the meantime have to be vaccinated, and involves the prohibition of working in any capacity, both as an employed doctor and as a freelancer. Ā«Once again I invite everyone – adds Anselmo Madeddu – to lead by example, and to correctly inform citizens who have not yet been vaccinated and confused by the rumors of the greaser fed by scoundrels and false prophets. We will not give any discount to colleagues who make ‘no vax’ propaganda. We absolutely must avoid plunging back into a dramatic new epidemic wave that would risk collapsing the health system. And the vaccine is the only weapon we have. This is a battle of civilization and correct scientific knowledge, which we can only win together ā€.

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