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Vitamin B7, what it is used for and which foods can supplement it

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Vitamin B7, what it is used for and which foods can supplement it

Vitamin B7 is a health ally with countless properties with which to strengthen the immune system. Here’s how to integrate it into everyday life.

Supplementing Vitamin B7 (Photo by Any Lane from Pexels)

Produced by the body and present in countless foods. There vitamin B7 it is essential for health by carrying out countless functions. Stimulator of lecithin this performs an action of cleaning the walls of the arteries and for this reason contributes to the reduction of cholesterol.

In addition to this it strengthens the immune system and contributes to decrease stress and depressive states also helping to preserve memory and helping to prevent nerve cells from deteriorating.

Also known as vitamina H, is part of the group of those B. In general these should never be missing in the diet as they are essential for the body. In case they are not taken in the right quantities, they can be had heavy problems such as impaired vision, liver and brittle teeth, nails and hair. They can also impact mood by increasing stress levels.

Vitamin B7: how to integrate it to give the body all the benefits

To take advantage of the benefits of vitamin B7, the daily requirement should be around 500 g per day. To be able to meet this goal, foods that contain it within them must be integrated into their days.

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Citrus (Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels)

Among these, citrus fruits, eggs, bananas, cereals and meat, avocado, salmon, cheese, vegetables are foods rich in this vitamin, ally for health.

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For this they must never be lacking in a healthy and balanced meal plan based on nutritious foods. Its deficiency is rare and is usually determined by one poor nutrition: the alarm factors that indicate its deficiency are acidosis, peeling of the skin and hypoglycemia

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Nuts rich in vitamins B7
Walnuts (Pixabay Pexels photo)

In case of deficiency in addition to reviewing the diet it is necessary to turn to one sector specialist to eventually take it with ad hoc products such as supplements containing this vitamin.

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