Home » Vitamin C, the main effects on your body if you take supplements after the age of 50

Vitamin C, the main effects on your body if you take supplements after the age of 50

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Vitamin C has important benefits, for this reason taking supplements after the age of 50 is essential for the health of the organism

Most of us probably took it vitamin C supplements only in case of cold or flu; so, with flu season around the corner, you may have already stocked up. What some people don’t realize, however, is that as we get older, vitamin C supplements become even more important and perform more function than just fighting a cold.

Vitamin C is essential for good health, especially as we age, and plays a variety of important roles in our bodies, such as:

  • helps strengthen the immune system
  • favors the formation of collagen
  • counteracts aging

(Read also: Vitamin C in winter: how to prevent flu and colds)

Benefits of Vitamin C Supplements Over 50

Taking vitamin C supplements after age 50 has important benefits; below are the main ones.

Acts as an antioxidant

GThose over 50 can really benefit from taking vitamin C supplements, thanks to his antioxidant effects. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant, helps keep the immune system strong and ea protect cells from free radicals. The latter, not only cause damage to cells, but the body with advancing age is unable to fight them alone; for this reason, therefore, making sure you are getting enough antioxidants through vitamin C supplements is essential for aging healthily. (Read also: Natural antioxidants: 10 foods against free radicals and aging)

It can help reduce wrinkles

Vitamin C is also a great supplement to take for help improve collagen formation with age. In fact, as we age, natural collagen production decreases, and taking an adequate amount of vitamin C can contribute to the formation of new collagen, which in turn improves the appearance of the skin and helps reduce signs. weather.

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It can help protect your eyes

Although more studies are still needed on this topic, there is growing research into the connection between vitamin C and protection against age-related eye diseases, as the cataract and the macular degeneration. The Harvard School of Public Health says there are promising results, but more research is needed to verify the effectiveness of vitamin C supplements on cataract prevention.

How to get enough vitamin C

Now that you know the benefits of taking vitamin C after age 50, how much should you take? The recommended dose is around 90 milligrams for adult men, and 75 milligrams for adult women.

We also recommend do not exceed 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day, especially if you don’t want to have an upset stomach or indigestion issues, but this shouldn’t be a problem as most supplements contain between 500 and 1,000 milligrams per capsule. Obviously, you should always consult your doctor before taking them.

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On VITAMIN C it may affect:


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