Home Ā» We may get the maximum antioxidant effect by taking these supplements in late August

We may get the maximum antioxidant effect by taking these supplements in late August

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Summer is coming to an end. So, we need to start thinking about what to do for September. Yes, because sunbathing at the right times has several benefits, but it is also true that there are several negative aspects deriving from excessive exposure. Among these is the fact that the skin, after the summer, can appear stressed and dry. All this is not strange as it is the sun, the salt and the chlorine in the pool that cause this effect. In the face of this, antioxidants would represent a valid support for preserving the health and beauty of the skin. But let’s try to understand, among the many products available, which antioxidants we should prefer. Well, we could get the maximum antioxidant effect by taking these supplements in late August.

What to choose in late August

First of all, it is advisable to check for artificial preservatives or sugar and chemical additives and to discard the products that contain them. Then, to counteract free radicals and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, we could use collagen peptides. This would allow us to obtain the much needed hydration and elasticity, which are lacking right after exposure to the sun. But let’s see in more detail what we could use.

We may get the maximum antioxidant effect by taking these supplements in late August

To obtain the desired results, we could use some formulas that we can also find on sale in pharmacies or by combining the consumption of fruit and vegetables with even better effects according to some studies. Among the elements to be favored there should be Vitamin C and Zinc. These are trace elements that play a central role in the functioning of the immune system. In fact, they help protect against infections, preserving from colds and flu states. Therefore, their use is completely adequate in this period, given the spread of viruses in general. Furthermore, their regular intake reduces the risk, duration and intensity of infectious diseases. Finally, among the antioxidant elements, there is vitamin A, an excellent additive against free radicals and, subsequently, vitamins, such as: B, C and E. In short, at the end of the summer we absolutely need to give ourselves a change, strengthening our immune defenses ahead of autumn!

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For further information and advice, we recommend that you consult your doctor.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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