Home » We should immediately put this simple fruit on the table, a very precious ally both against urinary infections and against ulcers

We should immediately put this simple fruit on the table, a very precious ally both against urinary infections and against ulcers

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We should immediately put this simple fruit on the table, a very precious ally both against urinary infections and against ulcers

We all know that a healthy, varied and nutrient-rich diet is the first step towards health. And we also know the main rules for putting the best foods on the table: lots of vegetables and fruit, little meat, animal products and processed products. And of course a lot of water and a few carbonated drinks. But there are some foods that are particularly important for preventing and fighting some ailments. Among these, there are some fruits in particular that many are not familiar with, but which, if we put them on the table, can become formidable allies for our health. Let’s see what they are.

Cranberries are still little known

But what fruits are we talking about? These are phenomenal cranberries. Cranberries, relatives of the classic blueberries that we all know, are still little consumed in Italy. This is because they are native to America and Northern Europe, while the Mediterranean climate is too hot for them. But today things are changing and cranberries are seen more and more often by us, both in the form of fruit and fruit juices. And we should take advantage of it because these humble fruits have very precious properties that help us safeguard our health.

We should immediately put this simple fruit on the table, a very precious ally both against urinary infections and against ulcers

Cranberry is famous for one of its properties in particular: it would be a great enemy of urinary infections. In fact, it seems that cranberries hinder bacteria, which are unable to attack the walls of the urinary tract. They also acidify the urine, making the environment inhospitable to bacteria. But their positive characteristics do not end there: cranberries, in fact, would also protect the stomach from the development of ulcers, dangerous and very painful lesions of the stomach walls. These fruits would then have anti-inflammatory properties that would bring benefits to the entire digestive system. They would also help fight bad cholesterol. In short, real allies of health.

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To be consumed whole, or in juices or centrifuged

We should put cranberries on the table right away. But how to consume them? We can eat them as they are, for example at breakfast or as a snack. We can also add them to smoothies and centrifuged, consuming them immediately. They are also a precious enrichment for fruit salads and fruit pies. We also consume them in the form of juice. But let’s make sure that the juice we buy has no added sugars. Our body will thank us. Blueberries are also the best ingredients for a healthy and nutritious breakfast that you can prepare the day before.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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