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what to avoid – Time

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A new study on prostate cancer, which affects more and more men, highlights how Pfas exposure, a class of chemical compounds with properties such as heat resistance, non-stick, impermeability), would be able to “reprogram” the metabolism of cells prostate, both malignant and benign, leading them to a stage of greater energy efficiency and which allows cells to proliferate up to three times faster than those that have not undergone Pfas exposure.

According to the study, a high-fat diet would further promote the growth of cancer cells, already accelerated by exposure to Pfas. “Our findings suggest that Pfas exposure combines with dietary fat to activate the PPARa gene, which alters cellular metabolism in ways that increase carcinogenic risk in healthy prostate cells and promote cancer progression in prostate cells. malignant “reads the research conducted by the prestigious University of Illinois, in the United States.

Professor Zeynep Madak-Erdogan, author of the study explains: “These alterations in cellular metabolism following activation of the PPARa gene may support an increased risk of prostate cancer, observed in men who have been exposed to Pfas”, One of the most sensational evidence emerged in the study is that the PPARa gene is expressed at significantly more important levels precisely in cancer cells exposed to Pfas of subjects whose diet is high in fat.


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