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What to eat (and not) to sleep more and better

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What to eat (and not) to sleep more and better

Too often we cook thinking only of not gaining weight, forgetting that good nutrition is also important for mental as well as physical health. In particular, studies show how some substances contained in foods improve the sleep-wake cycle, acting positively on the nervous system.

Between these tryptophan is what we need to stock up on to rest well. The name may not tell you much but this amino acid is the precursor of serotoninthe molecule involved in the modulation of mood, and of melatonin, the neurotransmitter that makes us sleep well. Not being synthesized by the human body, tryptophan must be introduced through the diet. Here’s what foods it is found in.

What to eat to sleep more and better

As highlighted by a Norwegian study published in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicinesleep-friendly foods rich in tryptophan, which promote relaxation and the production of serotonin are:

egg; barley; dark chocolate;
avena; banana;
dates; dried fruit; fish; meat, especially turkey and pork; endive; pumpkin; cabbage; fennel;
asparagus; green beans; lettuce; chard; spinach; zuchinis.

Pasta and rice allowed under one condition

Regarding pasta, rice and bread, a clarification needs to be made. Even though they are rich in tryptophan, if you want to sleep well, they should be chosen integral, which have interesting advantages for our well-being. Plus, they are easier to digestnot disturbing your rest.

6 glasses of water and you fall asleep faster

The correlation between correct hydration and the state of one’s mood has been demonstrated, primarily due to the fact that our brain tissue is made up of approximately 85% water. As explained by the professor Umberto Solimene of the University of Milan: «Water facilitates the transport of tryptophan, the amino acid that is converted in the brain into serotonin, thus increasing the level of this substance and also limiting bad mood.” How much should you drink? The amount of water to consume per day is between 1200 ml (6 water glasses) and 2000 ml (10 water glasses).

Green light for almonds

To start the day well, it is important to dedicate time to a nutritious breakfast, for example eating one plain yogurt with fresh fruit and chopped almonds. Almonds contain plant proteins, healthy fats and fiber, which help provide long-lasting energy. They are also a rich source of magnesium, which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, for this reason it is considered an excellent fuel. A tasty and nutritious alternative to yogurt could be a porridge made from quinoa and almonds.

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What to eat for lunch to sleep more and better

For lunch prepare a soup with 30 g of brown rice, which contains tryptophan and is more digestible than pasta. Follow with 150 g of chicken with cashews, with a side salad with lettuce, among the green leafy vegetables that promote rest. You can also add a small handful of to the salad shelllow in calories and with 314 mg of tryptophan per 100 g.

Less salt: this is how you maintain your circadian rhythm

Salt and the foods that contain it not only influence fluid retention but also the state of relaxation. Therefore, cured meats and broth are banned, as they are wrongly considered light: the glutamate present in most stock cubes is the enemy of good sleep. Better to choose always seasonal foods because they are full of the richness of their nutrients but also their flavor: preparing them without adding salt will still be satisfying!

What to eat for dinner to sleep more and better

At dinner, start with a light appetizer: a slice of wholemeal bread spread with is fine hummusthe cream based on chickpeas, legume that helps relaxation. For the second course, prepare the baked salmon on a bed of leeks which contain magnesium and phosphoric acid, useful for the nervous system.

Foods to avoid

If the aim is to sleep well, you must be careful not to bring to the table those foods that cancel out the action of tryptophan. Here are three mistakes not to make:

A dinner that is too rich and abundant leads to a reduction in slow wave sleep (the deepest and most important phase) and a longer duration of hours taken to fall asleep: 29 minutes on average versus the 17 needed if you ate lightly. Among the foods to avoid are those containing tiraminea substance that stimulates the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters that make you more agitated and active (adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine), i.e. fatty cheeses, preserved and smoked foods. From late afternoon onwards, you should avoid exciting foods such as tea, coffee and spicy foods.

What to eat to sleep more and better: gSnacks to plan

Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks are also important for keeping you energetic throughout the day, both physically and mentally. To avoid being caught by surprise by hunger, it can be a good move to plan snacks, choosing nutritious and healthy snacks, with tryptophan that helps us stay on track and focused for a long time. You can opt for one bananato be altered a yogurt with fresh fruit and oat flakes or 1 Greek yogurt a spoonful of pecan nights.

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A cuddle before going to bed…

Chocolate must not be missing: they call it the food of the gods but it is also the ally of good mood. In addition to modest doses of salsolinol and salsolina, i.e. alkaloids that function as natural antidepressants, chocolate, but only dark chocolate, also contains a rich percentage of tryptophan. It is also rich in magnesium, which helps us fall asleep peacefully, while regulating our circadian rhythm. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it: pamper our mood with two squares of dark chocolate a day it is a good habit, while indulging in frequent overeating could prove dangerous.

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