Home » What to eat when you have high blood sugar? Crazy here are the 10 best foods

What to eat when you have high blood sugar? Crazy here are the 10 best foods

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What to eat when you have high blood sugar?  Crazy here are the 10 best foods

When you have high blood sugar, look for foods that have fiber. Fibers are very important nutritional factors in the preventive and curative diet for type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus. The diet for diabetes should be rich in fiber, especially those that modulate intestinal absorption. Beware of fats because high levels of fatty acids in the blood affect the functionality of pancreatic cells in the long run. Cells that are important for keeping blood sugar within the right limits.

Here are the top ten foods when you have high blood sugar?

Parsley. (IG 5). From the low glycemic index this aromatic herb acts positively on the functions of the liver which helps in the purification of the organism. It can be useful for controlling blood sugar and preventing the onset of diabetes. Regulate the pressure.

Cinnamon. (IG 5). Using 2 grams of cinnamon with meals slows the rate of gastric emptying and reduces the increase in blood glucose after eating. This spice attacks the released sugars and reduces their blood absorption.

Origan (IG 5). A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry claims that oregano can significantly lower blood glucose levels, allowing for a reduction in the risk of diabetes, a bit like common disease control drugs do.

Vinegar (IG 5). The intake of vinegar appears to significantly reduce the increase in blood sugar and insulin induced by meals in insulin-resistant subjects. Some research points to the reduction of the insulin response in controls.

Avocado (IG 10). This tropical fruit, thanks to its high fiber content and its monounsaturated fat content, helps stabilize blood sugar. According to some research, its monounsaturated fats can also improve heart health.

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Zuchini (IG 15). Zucchini has a very low content of complex sugars and therefore has a low glycemic index. It is a suitable vegetable for those who must maintain a low blood sugar.

Spinach (IG 15). A British research has found that consuming a pound of spinach a day reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 14%. In addition to protecting the body from high blood sugar, spinach offers several essential micronutrients for general well-being.

Pistachio (IG 15). Pistachio helps lower blood sugar. It has a low glycemic index and combines carbohydrates with fibers, fats and proteins which reduce the immediate absorption of sugars. This prevents your blood sugar from rising too high.

Chili pepper (IG 15). It has a low glycemic index. To date, there is no evidence to recommend the consumption of hot pepper in type 1 diabetes. There are no contraindications in its consumption while it can be considered a recommended food in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Olive (IG 15). They are useful in hypercholesterolemia because they lower bad cholesterol. In those with diabetes they are protective against glycemic peaks. Olives are an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food, very rich in polyphenols.

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