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When and how much water to drink, all its benefits

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When and how much water to drink, all its benefits

Water is essential for life, we realize it even more now that it rains less and less and is in short supply. Drink the right amount of water during the day it is necessary for the well-being of our organism. Our body is made up of 75-80% water and drinking regularly throughout the day helps to keep the balance between outgoing and incoming liquids always balanced, without running the risk of becoming dehydrated.


Among the main beneficial functions of water we remember that

  • facilitates digestion
  • helps to lose weight
  • regulates cell volume and body temperature
  • cleanses the body and eliminates metabolic waste
  • carries nutrients
  • makes the skin more elastic
  • strengthens the muscles
  • increases concentration
  • makes the headache go away
  • helps you fall asleep
  • is good for eyesight.the tissues that make up the eye are composed of about 93% water, correct hydration also affects the activity of the retina and cornea, bags and dark circles.

Because drinking water helps you not gain weight

According to nearly 7 out of 10 experts, drinking water is essential to reduce the risk of accumulating too many excess pounds.

  • Promote digestion (52%): water, drunk in the right quantities, promotes digestive processes and the production of hydrochloric acid, helping to break down food so that the body can absorb nutrients.
  • Anticipating the sense of satiety (44%): drinking two glasses of water before starting to eat and hydrating between courses promotes a sense of satiety, avoiding the risk of bingeing and the accumulation of excess pounds.
  • Preventing problems related to bloating and constipation (31%): hydration promotes peristalsis, the process related to bowel emptying, and does not dilute digestive juices or interfere with digestion (this is a false belief):
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How much water should you drink per day?

To say that you have to drink a lot and regularly seems trivial, but in reality there is no single answer for everyone, it depends on each other. Generally, the amount of water that the body requires is about 2 liters per day, but it depends on several factors such as:

  • body weight: with increasing weight the need for water increases.
  • Lifestyle: those who practice sports must drink much more water than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Perspiration of the skin: those who sweat a lot must drink more.

Symptoms of dehydration

  • not very elastic skin;
  • weakness;
  • muscle cramps;
  • heachache.

When is the time to drink water

  • as soon as you wake up;
  • mid-morning;
  • during lunch;
  • mid-afternoon;
  • during dinner;
  • before going to bed.

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