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who it affects and what the risks are

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who it affects and what the risks are

Work addiction, also called workaholism syndrome, is a behavioral disorder that has consequences on a person’s relationships and psychophysical well-being. A study conducted by Italian researchers showed that those suffering from this disorder feel bad even while working.

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Interview with Luca Menghini

Researcher at the University of Padua, first author of the study “Uncovering the main and interacting impact of workaholism on momentary hedonic tone at work: An experience sampling approach”

Live to work or work to live? When dedication to work turns into real dependence has important effects on salute of people. “A person who regenerates thanks to the workload cannot imagine the long-term effect that stress has on his health. There persona workaholic he doesn’t realize how much his condition is doing it suffer and for this he is not motivated to ask for helpo” explains to Fanpage.it Luca Menghinifirst author of a study on the topic published in the journal Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. But who are the most at risk? What are the consequences on a person’s mood?

Work addiction: what it is and who it affects

Work addiction is considered one of the behavioral addictions because it’s not about the abuse of a substance and it is comparable to gambling or problematic Internet use – clarifies Luca Menghini – Il workaholic works excessivelymore than officially requested, and in obsessive compulsive manner. It’s as if he feels something inside himself that pushes him to constantly think about work, without ever mentally switching off. There is a difference with those who, by virtue of the work they do, have more consistent shifts and hours“. Who are the most at risk?”The responsibility is an important discriminant, who has a managerial role or who must take charge of projects or employees is generally more at risk. Perfectionism or obsessive compulsive symptoms are other elements that predispose the individual to workaholism in every field of work – adds Luca Menghini – Crucial in the impact on the development of work addiction is the organizational contextthere are many reality dove if you breathe a competitive climate he comes considered it normal to work extra hours it’s us weekend or where there is one tendency not to ask for holidays“.

Work addiction: what are the consequences

The work addiction chronically exposes to stress and in the long term it can lead to development Of disorders of various nature, metabolic, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal or even anxiety and depression. But not only – underlines the researcher – The implications are also on a family or relational levelseveral studies highlight how between workaholic and the partner there are more tensions“. The repercussions also occur regarding mood. “Our research has highlighted how the mood some workaholic people are on average negative even while doing what they are dependent on, that is, work. Alongside this data, however, it also emerged that the tone of mood it remained constant from the morning at the sera and also if you went from a lighter or heavier load of work. A kind of insensitivity – concludes Luca Menghini – Unlike gambling or substance addiction, work addiction is not socially recognized as a problematic behavior, an obstacle that does not allow adequate intervention for those suffering from workaholism syndrome“.

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