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World Blood Donor Day on June 14th

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World Blood Donor Day on June 14th

In a nationwide representative survey, the Federal Center for Health Education surveyed blood donation behavior for the first time: Men donate blood more often than women: 56 percent of the men surveyed have already donated blood, 44 percent of them several times. Among women, the proportion of blood donors is 42 percent, 29 percent of whom do so multiple times. When asked “Have you ever donated blood?” The answer is “yes”, highest at 53 percent in the 35 to 55 year old age group, and lowest at 35 percent in the 18 to 25 year old age group. These results indicate how important it is to continuously educate the younger target group in particular about voluntary blood donation.

On World Blood Donor Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) is highlighting the personal stories of those people whose lives were saved thanks to blood donation under the theme “Blood unites us”. The slogan “Share life, donate blood” aims to motivate more people around the world to donate blood regularly.

On World Blood Donor Day, the BZgA is providing information materials for the campaigns of the regional blood donation services in Germany. Activities with the support of the BZgA will take place at various locations and dates around June 14th. In Germany, people between the ages of 18 and 68 are allowed to donate blood. Women are allowed to donate blood four times a year and men six times a year.

The results on blood donation behavior are based on the nationwide representative survey “Attitude, knowledge and behavior of the general population towards organ and tissue donation 2016” by the BZgA, which was carried out from January to February 2016. 3,795 people aged 18 to 75 were surveyed.

World Blood Donor Day events


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Cologne University Hospital – Transfusion Medicine – Blood Donation Center
7th blood donation marathon at the University Hospital of Cologne with a barbecue, donor honor, healthy and fit campaign, stem cell typing and public viewing; Kerpener Str. 62, Building 39, 50937 Cologne, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m

UKM blood donation Münster
World Blood Donor Day with non-alcoholic cocktails and a delicious buffet; Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1, 48149 Münster, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m



Blood donation service at Itzehoe Hospital
Metalheads donate blood – traditional blood donation campaign with the creators of the Wacken Open Air, with barbecue, music and many activities; New building in the medical and service center, Itzehoe Clinic, Robert-Koch-Straße 2, 25524 Itzehoe

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