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Write down ideas and destroy them: a option to scale back anger

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Write down ideas and destroy them: a option to scale back anger

New Study Shows Writing Down and Destroying Thoughts is Effective Anger Management Technique

A latest examine performed by the University of Nagoya in Japan has discovered that writing down your ideas after which destroying them is an efficient methodology for managing anger. The examine, which was printed within the revered journal Scientific Reports of the Nature group, confirmed promising outcomes for people combating anger points.

Research Method

The researchers requested a bunch of college college students to jot down quick essays on social points, with the understanding that their writings can be evaluated. After receiving adverse suggestions and significant feedback on their essays, the scholars had been requested to jot down down their ideas in regards to the suggestions that triggered offended feelings in them. They had been then divided into two teams: one group needed to destroy their writings by throwing them within the bin or utilizing a paper shredder, whereas the opposite group saved their writings.


The outcomes of the examine confirmed that members who destroyed their writings had been considerably calmer than those that saved them. Study chief Nobuyuki Kawai said, “We anticipated that our methodology would suppress anger to some extent, however we had been shocked to see that the anger virtually fully disappeared.” This methodology of writing down and destroying ideas could possibly be a precious device for people seeking to handle their anger in a more healthy method.


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