Home » 15 years after ‘Miracle on the Hudson’, some struggle with PTSD while others learned to fly

15 years after ‘Miracle on the Hudson’, some struggle with PTSD while others learned to fly

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15 years after ‘Miracle on the Hudson’, some struggle with PTSD while others learned to fly


In a heart-stopping incident 15 years ago, US Airways Flight 1549 plunged into New York’s Hudson River after a flock of Canada geese collided with the plane. The miraculous ditching, executed by Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger and First Officer Jeff Skiles, saved all 155 people on board and changed the course of their lives.

Reflecting on the harrowing moments leading up to the emergency landing, passengers Vallie Collins, Ric Elias, and Barry Leonard shared their experiences of surviving the crash and the impact it had on their lives.

For Collins, the dread of not being able to see her children grow up flashed before her eyes as she texted her husband about their impending landing. The realization that she might not be there to raise them was “very hard,” she said.

Elias, seated in the front row of the plane, contemplated not being there for his family while Leonard couldn’t stop thinking about his loved ones as the plane descended into the river.

The miraculous survival was followed by moments of panic and fear as passengers found themselves grappling with the freezing waters of the Hudson River. However, their survival story didn’t end there. Their lives were forever changed by the traumatic event.

Some passengers, like Clay Presley, struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder and claustrophobia after the crash. However, his experience inspired him to become a pilot, a journey of resilience and transformation.

For others like Pam Seagle, the near-death experience prompted a reevaluation of her life. She made significant changes, including switching careers and pursuing work that promoted women’s economic empowerment.

Psychologists highlighted that responses to traumatic experiences vary, with some individuals demonstrating resilience and growth, while others may experience lingering depression. The survivor’s stories are a testament to the varied reactions to trauma and the potential for transformative change.

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The landing on the Hudson was hailed as a feel-good story during a time of financial and emotional distress in the US. The heroism of Captain Sullenberger and the crew inspired people around the world, restoring faith and hope in the midst of adversity.

Sullenberger, reflecting on the outpouring of support after the incident, emphasized the power of everyday acts of bravery and compassion that often go unrecognized. He urged people to recognize the potential for positive change within themselves.

As the survivors mark the 15th anniversary of the Miracle on the Hudson, their stories stand as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, offering hope and inspiration to others facing adversity.

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